194 17 14

(so fucking sorry for this much late update)

Back in 2022

Rya - Imposible, you are alive ?

She started trembling where she was standing, her eyes got teary , she ran out of the cafe to the nearby ally nd that accountant ran after her while calling her name ...
She went inside the ally and fell on her knees, crying hard !

Rya - he is alive! In these years, many Men came in my way , some had same features as Yunho but ... They aren't Yunho , My beats only for him , all these years I thought he's dead ... And today .. he ... But how .. ?

?? - I'll be the one to answer love !

That guy hugged her from behind and pecked ber left temple softly!

?? - Rya , it's been 200 years.. I missed you much !

Rya - but ... how ? How are you alive Yunho ? ( She leaned in his hug and sobbing continuously)

Yunho - your blood saved us ! It's true that your brother tried to kill me and brother alive in that burning house, I fainted in the house immediately but after 2 hours , I found myself in the mid of a forest , My wrist was burning in pain, It seemed like someone bite it ... Then I realised that Jongho was sitting beside me and there were some blood around his mouth, he told me that he saved me ! He had some of your blood particals in his veins that made him vampire, and he made me one too ! This is how we are alive , I tried to find you but you were nowhere to be found love !

Rya looked at him and cupped his face warmly
Rya - I didn't want to stay in such place that snatched my love away from me , it would only give pain and unbearable memories!

Yunho smiled - agree !
They bothe leaned in for multiple smooches ( they met after 200 years , let them enjoy in peace guys 🙂😏🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈) ...

Yunho held her hand warmly and took her with him to the café ..

Yunho - so you are looking for job ? 🤣🤣
Rya gave him a disgust look ..

Yunho - it's just that ... When we first met , you were rich like a queen of somewhere and Now ... You are asking me to hire you as my temporary employee 😆

Rya - if you don't wanna hire me , fine I'll find anothe- ( she got cut off by yunho pecking her lips , soon he pulled away and cupped her face )

Yunho - what about I hire you as owner , giving 30% partnership and I'll take 35% ??

Rya - sounds great and- wha.. wait , who has the rest 35% ?

Yunho - Jongho ofc .. come lets meet , he'll be glad to see you !

Yunho grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the café gaining everyone attention !

Girl 1 - who's she ?
Girl 2 - why she's with my man ?
Girl 3 - maybe she's her gf ?
Girl 2 - no way ! She's ugly !
Girl 4 - she's nothing as compair to Yunho's standard !
Girl 5 - what does she think of herself ?
Girl 3 - I'm more beautiful right ?
Girl 6 - not really but I don't think think she deserves to have yunho !

Rya heard everything but tried to not show it as Yunho seems really happy and all he want right is to be with Rya , Rya didn't wanna create a scene !

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