Without a second more thought, he called out with a weary, booming voice: "Oi, lady! Lady, listen to me; something large and animal-looking has just wandered into the house! I want you to stay as still and as low as possible!"

Slowly but surely, Jim made his way inside, keeping as quiet as possible, retrieving his Lee Enfield Rifle from his cabinet next to the entrance door. He took two clips with ten rounds each, loaded one in, and made his way through the house, his rifle drawn.

He made his way into his bedroom, the closest room to the entrance: nothing. Next, he trudged his way into the woman's bedroom: nothing. Then, into the bathroom: nothing in sight. He was just about to make his way into the laundry at the end of the hallway before he heard floorboards creaking and a harsh gasp emanating from in the living room; the room right next to him. He drew his rifle, steadying his breath. He stood as upright as he could, and with the greatest amount of caution, walked straight into the living room.

What greeted Jim was the most terrifying and bizarre creature that he had ever seen in his life, standing motionlessly, peering with wide scarlet eyes at him. Jim froze in awe and terror, observing whatever the fuck he was looking at. His eyes wide, his jaw locked shut, and his palms sweating profusely, gripping onto his rifle tightly. Everything was silent, until the thing spoke:

"Now, Jim... please, d-don't panic... j-just stay calm, and we can talk ab-"

Suddenly, Jim drew his rifle, aiming directly at the thing's face! The creature gasped, lurching at him! The creature then grabbed Jim's rifle before he could pull the trigger and threw it away from his hands with unmatched strength, making him yell in terror! Jim slammed into the floor from the might of the creature's strength, stumbling back into a corner and pulling out his knife kept in his pocket, his throat hurting from all of his terrified incoherent yelling! He tried lurching at the creature which was begging for him to "calm the fuck down and listen", which was no use, as like his rifle, the knife was smacked from his hands, before this bizarre bipedal pinned him to the ground! This terrifying beast looked him straight in the eye, begging him for cooler heads to prevail!

"FUCK! GET THE FUCK OFF ME! GET OFF," Jim bellowed, struggling with all his might but to no avail. At this point, his nerve broke, tears of fear for his life beginning to run down the sides of his face.

"Listen to me, you dumb bastard, it's me! It's the stranger you saved from the creek, just listen, for fuck sakes, ple-" The creature's plea was cut off as Jim managed to punch it one in its face, making it lurch back in pain, allowing Jim to back himself into a corner, retrieving his rifle and aiming it directly at the creature!


"Fuck sakes, I told you! It's me! I'm that woman you saved!"

"Like shit, you are! You're a freak and affront to life is what you are," Jim bellowed, shaking violently.

"Oh, for shit sakes- I told you to listen! Look, it's me, I can prove it," the creature pointed to its left forearm, spreading its fur to reveal a puncture-like wound, like a needle point.

"SEE," the creature bellowed, "It's me! This is where that fucking needle went, from the Doc! Fuck, don't you remember?"

Jim looked intently at the small scar, calming down ever-so-slightly to observe the evidence. He stared into the creature's eyes, his mouth slightly agape: "S-shit... t-this is you, lady? Is that really you?"

"No, it isn't, it's the landlord, I'm here to evict you; of course, it's me, you dumbass," the thing remarked back.

Jim lowered his rifle to his side, breathing deeply, thinking on what to say next to an already fucked up situation. He fumbled onto his feet, using his rifle as a crutch: "R-right- I see-... What the fuck, I knew there was something odd about you, I fucking knew it!"

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