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Hiccups pov

"come on gang let's see what this widow island is about" I said to my gang as we head of to a island that is said to be ruled by spiders "hiccup I know you curious about this island but we've been fly for 3 HOURS" Astrid said followed by groaning of the others. "Okay find we can rest on an island just east from he-" I was cut of by cheering and celebrating

Time skip

Toothless seemed restless ever since we've landed "what's up bud" I asked him but all I got was a whine from him "you want to go to that island to don't you bud?" I asked him and he looked at me while nodding. Me and my gang went to find some supplies for camping and as soon as we all came back to the spot where we agreed to stay at we all immediately started to make a camp so we could rest. "Hey hiccup?" Fishlegs asked me "yeah what is it" I questioned " do you know what's wrong with toothless he seems restless" he said while look at my black dragon which seems to bee looking of the cliff and in the direction of the so called widows island "well he has been doing that for a while, I think he knows something is on that island" I told him while he was already asleep next to meat lug "guess it's only me and you bud" I told toothless" while he just laid down looking sad and slept

The next morning

"Argh h-hey toothless what are you doing?!" I said while I woke up to toothless licking my face joyfully 'yawn' "hiccup what all that noise going on" the twins said in sync "yeah me and meat lug are trying to sleep aren't we girl"meatlug nodded while still half asleep "I'm not sure toothless has been acting weird for a while now" I told them while looking at the panting dragon. We gathered all our things together after  slowly waking up and got on our dragons "okay are you ready gang?"  I asked them but before they could answer toothless flew of with me on "gah toothless what wrong with you" I questioned him but he looked like he was just searching for the island.  The gang soon caught up with us "hiccup are you sure toothless isn't sick" fishlegs asked me worriedly "yeah but he seems like he is hypnotises or something

After a bit of flying we saw a White Island but the closer we got to it the more clear it was looking like spider webs "okay gang let's land over there" I said while punting at a clear spot of to the left of the island

As soon as we land I told them to search the island for anything or anywhere we can camp since this place looked packed with webs and meet up back here.

Fishlegs pov

I walked with meat lug to what looked like a web less meadow in the middle "hey look girl it looks like over there might be a good place to stay" I told my dragon and we immediately walked over to the area. As we got closer I noticed what looked like a dragon on a GIANT web "ooohh no girl we better get out of here" i quickly told meat lug as I got on her a flew back to the area hiccup told us to meet

"HICCUP HICCUP" I yelled down to my friend who all looked at me like I was mental "Fishlegs what is the matter with you" snoutlout asked me "okay okay look you might not believe me but I think there is a dragon stuck on a web" I quickly told them while panting "a dragon? Like in this environment" ruffnut questioned "YES yes here" I told them while they all looked sceptical "well then we should go save it" hiccup said while looking at everyone "but hiccup you know there might be some dangerous beast that might eat us in there and plus what if it was just another one of Fishlegs imaginations" snoutlout said to hiccup not wanting to go in "even so if there a dragon in need then we must save it right guys?" Hiccup said while toothless was sitting next to him with his tail wagging "yeah guys that dragon might need our help" I said backing up hiccup "okay fine" snoutlout said still a little scared "yeah I mean we are fine with it right tuff?" Ruffnut asked "yeah and we can do the you know what" ruffnut said a little suspiciously "right with ya ruff" she sails while they both giggle at the end "what about you Astrid" I said while pleading for her to come with us "sigh" " find it won't hurt to do a little exploring" "YES" I yelled

{ Toothless x male dragon oc } httyd x male ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang