chapter 2

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Jennie's POV

Walking in the hallways everyone's attention is on me eyeing my everymove which I kind of used to but i only want my baby duck attention just thinking about it makes me blush on the inside

"Jendukie" jisoo unnie yelled running while her arms are spread ready to hug me

"Yahhh you really are a devil i will till this to lisa" she said but whisper the last part when i push her face first in the locker

"Tell her then your dead" i said
while glaring at her, lisa will never let me cuddle her for a day and i cant even stand an hour not cuddling my baby

"Im just kidding"she said scared hahaha serve you right "speaking of lisa where is she??" Jisoo unnie ask

"She's in the class already, she don't want to be seen with me" i said in a blank tone

"You know that she likes to keep low-key right, i know you know she has a reason don't think about that" jisoo unnie said

"I know but i want everyone to know that lisa is mine and only mine and mine alone, im the only one who owns her i want to kiss lisa, hold her hand without worrying that anyone could see us" i said btw where in the restroom and i make sure that no one is here

"I know, just wait for lisa to reveal that you two are in a relationship" she said and i nodded and we head to the class.

Lisa pov

Walking into the classroom, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions. While Jennie is popular and draws attention wherever she goes, I prefer to blend in and keep a low profile. I have always been seen as the "nerd in disguise" among our classmates.

As I take my seat, I can't help but notice the gazes and whispers directed towards Jennie. It's something she's used to, but it makes me feel even more self-conscious about being in a relationship with her. I worry that people may judge Jennie for being with someone like me, someone who doesn't fit the typical image of her partner.

Jisoo, who knows about our relationship, joins me in the classroom. She can sense that something is bothering me and asks about Jennie. I confide in her about my concerns and insecurities. I fear that if our relationship becomes public, it may affect Jennie's reputation or popularity among our classmates.

Jisoo reassures me that Jennie genuinely cares for me and that our relationship should not be defined by societal expectations or stereotypes. She reminds me that true love transcends appearances and that what matters most is how we make each other feel.

While I appreciate Jisoo's support, I still struggle with the fear of judgment from our classmates. I want to protect Jennie from any negative consequences that may arise from being in a relationship with someone like me. Keeping our relationship private allows me to shield her from potential criticism and maintain a sense of normalcy in our interactions.

Deep down, I yearn for the day when I can proudly hold Jennie's hand and show the world that we are together. But for now, I understand the importance of patience and waiting for the right time to reveal our relationship. I trust that Jennie understands my concerns and will support me in navigating the complexities of our situation.

In the meantime, I focus on my studies and cherish the moments we have together, knowing that our connection is genuine and strong, regardless of how it may appear to others.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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