Following Sylvie's directions through the city, We found ourselves outside a large cathedral.
"Major Disney vibes," I looked around. Melody would have loved this.
"Which movie?" Thor asked.
"Hunchback of Notre Dame. Under the city was a hidden city where the gipsies lived," I looked around to make sure no one was around.
"They were looking for the Roma hideout called the Court of Miracles," Loki smiled.
"Dork," I joked.
"You love me for it," Loki playfully nudged me. He is right, I do love him when he is a dork. 90% of the time. Other times, I want to go for a nap.
"I wish we called this place the Court of Miracles. It sounds so much nicer than vampire crypts," Sylvie smiled "I wouldn't be surprised if that place was based on the crypts here,"
"I swear Walt Disney was a vampire," Thor sighed, Leaning on a wall.
"He may as well have been. He was like Mobius. He twisted so many human myths with vampire myths, even I get confused about which was true," Sylvie smiled.
"So is this the way in?" I asked as Sylvie put her foot on the wall and tightened her laces.
"You did mention we would be taking an unconventional way. This will still lead us down there and keep us away from the tourists," Loki tightened his tie.
"The tourist entrance is a little more than a hole in the ground covered by a shed. It's hilarious how many people walk right by it," Sylvie leads us to a small door at the back of the cathedral. She grabs onto a small padlock, tugging on it slightly and snaps it clean off the door.
"Here we go," I whispered as I walked through the door.

After sneaking through an aisle beside the nave, Finding a secret door in the back corner of the room, and descending a rickety ladder, I find myself in the catacombs.
"This is like... a literal city of bones," I exclaimed as I spun slowly. Loki hands us some torches.
"It is cool as hell," Thor's jaw dropped.
"I didn't know you appreciated the goth aesthetic, Thor," I grinned. Thor shrugged.
"I mean, I'm not about to slap on the black eyeliner but this place is amazing," Thor spoke, impressed by the bones.
"I wouldn't rule out the eyeliner yet, either. I think you would look quite dashing," Sylvie flirted.
"You know the catacombs are said to hold the remains of over six million people," Loki changed the subject.
"That is a lot of dead people," I nodded as I pouted. Squeaking every time I saw a mouse or a rat.
"The Paris cemeteries were overflowing, so this was their solution,"
"Imagine just having your bones tossed on dozens of other people," Thor placed his hand on a skull.
"The Great Wall of China is the same for some parts of it. When someone died during the building of it, they got thrown into the brickwork. Every great ancient wonder really was built on the backs of slaves," Loki informed us.
"I wouldn't say it was just the wonders either. The whole world is built on the backs of slaves. Nowadays it's called employment," I added. Loki shot me a glance and I simply smiled and waved.
"That's grim," Thor looked around sadly "Thank god, I am a freelancer,"
"It's a little sad," Sylvie agreed, patting Thor's shoulder "You know, eventually, this became a place for celebration and festivity. I think at one point, we even started to have concerts and parties down here,"
"Melody would have loved it,"

We all make our way through the corridor filled with bones, as femurs and skulls pile on top of each other to form walls.
"Yeah, just gonna call it now. If I see any hint of creepy cult stuff. I am out of here," Thor spoke. I agreed with him.
"Yeah, well, I'm in. I love that stuff," Sylvie smiled.

As we go down another corridor, I pass by something that looks like a large goblet on a pedestal.
"What is this?" I whisper, Furtively looking side to side. I reach out and put a fingertip on the lip of the bowl.
"What are you doing?" Someone speaks from over my shoulder.
"Ahh!" I scream, spinning around to slap whoever was behind me. Loki easily grabs my wrist. "Loki, you scared me,"
"Sorry, Darling. What are you doing?" Loki keeps hold of my hand.
"I, uh... wanted to touch it," Loki raises an eyebrow at me but I can tell he is amused.
"It's probably for the best we don't mess with anything down here,"
"Yeah, you're right" I sighed. Loki looks over his shoulder, then carefully touches the bowl as well.
"Except this one time," He grins, his fingers brushing mine. Sylvie laughs and joins us.
"I've always felt curiosity was the greatest thing in life. to try new experiences. to savour new sensations and yes, to answer the elusive questions,"
"So what is this thing?"
"This is a sepulchral lamp. The quarrymen who worked down here would light it in order to make the air circulate through the corridors," Sylvie pointed to three more lamps down the corridor with her torch.
"Ohhh, that makes sense,"
"And probably summons demons too," Thor scoffed, keeping out of reach.
"Oh come on, you big baby. Touch it,"
"fuck no. I'm just fine where I am. You all can enjoy your curse," Thor backed away another foot.
"Chicken," Loki spoke as he walked away.
"cluck cluck," Thor did a chicken move as he followed Loki. Sylvie and I both laughed as we followed him.

The Nightwalker: Cursed BloodWhere stories live. Discover now