The Catacombs

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The next day, Loki, me and Thor prepare to go down to the vampire crypts in order to retrieve the Book of Blood. I went into the bedroom and changed into a long-sleeved black top and a black body warmer. There were also some black army-style pants and black boots.
"So, Why exactly are the crypts under crypts? Is it like crypt-ception?"
"Believe it or not from the 1500s to the 1600s, Paris was the destination for European vampires. There was a whole society of us. We used the crypts beneath the catacombs as not just our hideout but also our home,"
"But why a crypt?" I gripped my hair. Loki patted my back.
"Perhaps crypt is the wrong word... It was more like a large underground complex. Almost like a city hidden under a city,"
"Ring a bell, Thor?" Loki elbowed Thor in the side.
"It should. The Den was loosely modelled after the Paris crypts after all," Thor shrugged, pushing Loki's hand away.
"How would you know what it looked like?" Loki narrowed his eyes "Thought you never left the US,"
"I read books," Thor scoffed.
"Didn't know you could read," I muttered. Loki smiled as Thor rolled his eyes at me "What else can you tell us about the place?"
"It was... tre beau. In its own way," Sylvie clenched her fists, glaring out towards the city "But then order found us. There was a massive battle. They had bricked off the main entrances, trapping us like mice,"
"Oh god," I covered my mouth.
"So many of us perished that night... and after that, nothing was the same. Our community never recovered," Sylvie dabs at the corner of her eyes with a napkin and takes a moment to compose herself "The crypts are a monument to what we have lost. A reminder of the tragedy we have had to face because of the order,"
"Sylvie... I'm so sorry. That's so horrible," I placed a hand on Sylvie's wrist. In return, she patted my hand.
"Merci, Emily. I wish things had gone differently,"
"Have you ever gone back down there?" I asked as Loki stood up and put his cup in the sink.
"I wanted to. But it wouldn't be safe to go on my own and I wouldn't want to endanger anyone else" Sylvie looks down at the table.
"But you are totally fine with us going?" Thor frowned. Sylvie ran a hand over her face and then looked back up.
"You have a sword on your back,"
"Touche," Thor clicked his fingers and pointed at Sylvie "What can you tell us about The Book of Blood?"
"It is an ancient text dating back centuries. It is said to contain lost lore, even from the time of the first vampire,"
"How did it end up in the crypts?" Loki asked as he handed me a packet of crisps.
"Its owner, the late Mobius M. Mobius, acquired it sometime in the late 1500s. His only request was to be buried with it,"
"Was he a vampire?" Thor asked. Sylvie shook her head.
"Mortal, actually. But he rubbed elbows with the society so much that they decided to let him live in the crypts,"
"He sounds like a bit of a fanboy," I smiled.
"he was... but oh the stories that man could tell," Sylvie gazes off, lost in memory.

After a short while, I sat down on the floor laced up my boots and tied my hair back while Thor double-checked his weapons and Loki shoulders a pack full of tools.
"Thanks for bringing these, Sylvie. We have no idea what we will find down there," Loki nodded at his shoulder.
"Of course. the crypts haven't been explored in centuries. I figured you should be prepared for anything," Sylvie smiled sadly.
"Are you not coming with us?" I climbed to my feet.
"No. I wasn't planning on it," I crossed my arms "But I am a little curious about what may have been left down there,"
"Not to mention you will know the area well,"
"And you've always said you wanted to go back. One last time," Sylvie looked out the window. I glanced over at Loki and Thor and asked them a question without even speaking. Both nodded. I sighed as I walked up to her, placing my hands on her shoulders.
"Sylvie, It used to be your home, right?" I asked. Sylvie nodded "Why don't you come with us?"
"If nothing else, it might help you get some closure. To say a proper goodbye"
"Well, when you put it like that. All right, I'll come along," Sylvie smiled.
"Yay!" I clapped as I jumped up and down "We will be happy to have you,"
"I'd say we are about as ready as we can be. Should we head out?" Loki spoke as he walked up behind me, using one hand to keep me in place.
"Let's do this," Thor sheathed his sword.
"Hell yeah. I am ready to get my Lara Croft on," I put my hands on my hips.
"You really miss Melody," Thor patted my shoulder as he was the first to leave the apartment.
"Yeah..." I hope she and Sif are both safe.

The Nightwalker: Cursed BloodWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu