"So, you want to try me lunch huh? Well then, I hope you can fight!" said Hailey.

"I was going to say the same to you barbie doll." I replied. She looked mad at me when I said that, but it was true! She had make-up on her face like this was a hot date with her imaginary boyfriend. Personally, I don't think anyone would date her plastic ass. 

She threw her fists up and charged at me. I dodged her attempt to punch me and kicked her leg making her drop to the floor. While she was down, I grabbed her hair and started swinging her head around, making her scream a high-pitched scream. One of the kids must've heard her screaming, because soon enough, half the fourth grade was crowded up watching as I punch her head three times. She was crying and screaming when I let go of her hair. Soon, a teacher saw the crowd and called the office. We were both sent to the principal's office but luckily, my friends had that whole fight on camera and posted it on social media. It had almost 10k views. Hailey was making up lies to the principal saying that I had beat her up for no reason. I told the principal the true story, but he didn't believe any of us so both of our dads got called. When My dad came, he looked at Hailey's black eye and then looked at me with his arms crossed giving me the, what did you do? face. The principal explained to them what happened, and my dad looked at me with the, I'm so disappointed face.

"Miss Angela over here states that she was handed a note to meet Hailey outside to fight and it was written by Hailey herself. But Misses Hailey over there claims that she did not write a note and that Angela attacked her for no reason." said Mr. Rodreguiz, the school principal.

"I-I didn't w-write a n-note! She's l-lying!" said Hailey, still crying about her black eye. All her mascara was dripping down her face from her crying. This is why I don't so makeup, in case I have to cry, which is a rare thing to happen. I mean, what is there to cry about? Except Hailey's ugly makeup plastered face.

"Are you sure about that? Because I have proof!" I said confidently.

Hailey's eyes widened when I pulled the note she threw at me during class.

"And what do you have to say about this miss Hailey?" said the principal.

Hailey was speechless and her dad looked at her with shame.

"My friends also recorded a video of her wanting to fight me, so I gave her what she wanted." I said loud enough for my friends to hear. You see, this whole time, my friends were outside the door waiting for my signal to show the principal the proof. My friends walked in the door and showed the principal the proof.

"Very well then, Hailey Humdinger, you are hereby suspended from Adventure Bay Elementary!" said the principal in a stern voice.

My dad smirked at me, and I smirked back.

Hailey looked flabbergasted and her dad looked angry at her. One thing I realized in my school, lots of kids have blonde hair. Except, Hailey's eyes were brown instead of blue like Keith.

"But Angela Zachery you are also suspended for fighting and physically hurting Hailey."

My jaw dropped open.

"What!? But I just- UGH! You are suck a di-" I said furiously. My mouth got covered in the middle my sentence by my dad, but of course, I was still cursing my principal out in my head.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble she's caused Mr. Rodreguiz. I promise it will never happen again." said my dad.

"WHAT!?" I said in a muffled voice because he was still covering my mouth with his hand. I went back to my classroom and packed my stuff and left with my dad. It was silent during the ride home, which made it awkward because normally we'd talk about our day. When we got home, my dad didn't even make eye contact with me. I was sure I grounded but after a while I don't think I am. I knocked on his room door to apologize and he opened it.

"I'm sorry..." I said softly, looking down at mt feet in shame.

He bent down and hugged me. I was surprised but then I remembered, this is my dad we're talking about, he'd never smack me.

"It's okay, it's not you I'm mad at anyway." he said.

Huh? I thought to myself.

"What do you mean you're not mad at me?" I asked confused.

"I'm mad because all day, I have been saving Mayor Goodway's chicken!" he said.

I started laughing at him and patted his back.

"It's okay! You'll get over it!" I said to him, still laughing.

We had dinner together, talked, and played games. So, I don't think I'm grounded for getting suspended for a week.

(1652 words lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter; it took me 2 hours to write.)

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