Chapter 2

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Ally and I got off the bus and walked into the school doors. We walked through the hallways, to our classroom door. We waited for Keith to get off his bus and walk inside with us, soon enough, he came, and we walked into class together. Let me tell you, I have a serious crush on Keith. I mean, who wouldn't? His beautiful blonde hair, his ocean blue eyes, and his adorable personality. I was interrupted in my thoughts by my teacher.

"Alright class! Let's start the day with some simple math problems." she said loud enough for everyone to hear.

I sighed and took out my math notebook and wrote down the problems on the whiteboard. I sat in the first row out of four. I was the third seat in the first row out of six seats. As always, I finished the math problems before anyone else. My teacher wasn't impressed because she knew I would finish first, like I always do. Soon everyone was finished, and we took out our math textbooks for our next lesson. All I know, is that after math is our vocabulary test. I stayed up late last night studying for it, so I knew I would ace that test. We were learning about fractions and how to add them. I was already a pro at this stuff, I guess you could say I am a quick learner. After math, was the moment I have been waiting for, our vocabulary test! Some kids say I act nerdy, but I'm just really smart. At least I'm not one of those kids who reminds the teacher to give out homework. The teacher passed out our tests and as soon as I got mine, I started answering the questions. Once I was done with my test, I gave it to the teacher and sat down and did some work that I didn't finish.

By the time I was finished with that, the teacher said it was time to stop doing the test. It was time to line up for gym class, and after gym we have lunch. We took our lunch bags and lined up to go to gym. 

At gym we played soccer and trust me when I say I'm a pro at soccer. I scored six goals in five minutes. I was the best on my team, not to mention Keith was on my team and he was impressed at my soccer skills. 

When gym was over, we headed to lunch. Ally, Keith, and I sat our favorite table by ourselves. My lunch box wasn't a normal lunch box. My dad has made it for me, and it has some very cool features and compartments. I open it and 3 trays pop out. The one on the right side had a plastic water bottle on it. The one on the left side had a fork on it. At first, I was confused, but then I realized the middle tray, which was the biggest one, had a fancy white bowl with freshly cooked ramen noodles in it. The thing about my lunch box is that it can keep anything warm or cold, and it has one small drawer on each of its sides. And one longer drawer on the back side. I open the small drawer on the left and see it has three lollipops with different flavors in it. The small drawer on the right side has a bag of Welch's fruit snacks. The longer drawer on the back side of the lunch box has napkins, just in case. I shared my lollipops with my friends since there were three of us. As we were eating and talking, a crumbled-up napkin was thrown at our table. We saw Hailey, Sabrina, and Cassidy laughing at us. I got furious and threw it back at their table. I saw the garbage was next to their table, so I got an idea.

"Hey! Throw that trash in your house next to your table!" I called out to Hailey.

They looked confused but then they looked next to their table and saw the garbage can. Hailey looked really mad, but my friends and I laughed at her. "That will teach them not to mess with us!" I said to my laughing friends.

Lunch was over and we lined up and walked back to class for literacy. A crumbled-up piece of paper was thrown on my desk. I uncrumpled it and read what it said.

Meet me outside at recess in the courtyard

I knew who threw the note and I was up for the task. If she wanted to fight, we can fight!

~Recess Time~

I told Keith and Ally about the note, and they agreed to come with me and record Hailey's defeat. There was no chance she could beat me in a fight; I didn't even need back-up from my friends. We went to the courtyard and saw Hailey and her minions behind her.

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