The New year's Eve party was held in the Gryffindor tower and the party was always phenomenal. It was the party of the year and everyone wanted an invite however the only way to get into this party was to know someone from Gryfindor that was willing to come to the party. The most honourable invite was from the Marauders themselves, this is because it was their party and despite their major popularity they did not have many friends outside the Gryffindors, therefore, it became an exclusive party however this year it was a little different, this was because James if everything went to plan wanted to sneak away with Regulus, he also did not want to be caught however that is extremely difficult when you become one of four hosts so the more people in attendance the better.

However, the invites would be completely useless if he couldn't get the one person he desperately wanted there. This in itself could prove an impossible task due to Regulus' nature of hating parties and the new year in general as it just serves as another reminder that he has to live another year as a Black, One of the darkest families in magical history.

James however had made a plan with himself to work with Regulus just as he did Sirius to show him that he is nothing like his family. That he is not his mother. That he is so much more. James plans to give Regulus all his love. That is if Regulus allows him.

Because James desperately loves Regulus, much like how a Labrador loves their owner and much like the dog breed, his love is unconditional.

And that is the thing with James once he starts to love someone. He does not stop. He cannot stop loving them. It was very similar when he met Sirius and Remus and even peter. This is why James is truly devoted to each and every one of them, except the love he feels for Regulus, is so different and so much stronger that he does not know what to do except love him and show him he is loved.

This is why James must find Regulus tonight.

This is why he set out to write a letter to owl to Barty, this is because if he wrote to Regulus, he would simply decline and refuse to write back however he has a weak spot and that is Barty and Evan.

So this is what he did, he wrote a simple but effective letter he described his relationship with regulus as simply as possible and then formally invited all three of them along to the party alongside anyone else they deemed acceptable to invite. James thought they would be comfortable being able to invite more Slytherins or either Pandora or Dorcas. If James was honest, he also had a soft spot for pandora but once more had not had the confidence to talk to her and become friends with her. He was just too nervous to adventure outside of the safety to him that was the Gryffindors.


"REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK GET YOUR ARSE TO MY BED RIGHT NOW" Barty screamed entering the common room

Everyone including Regulus looked up in one quick movement. It was not very common for the trio of friends to be angry with each other and even when they were they forgave each other immediately and there was never any shouting. Barty and Regulus were essentially Sirius and James except they were Slytherins, not Gryffindors. Everyone never knew if they were together or not but they were never mad at each other, it was in their capability so to see Barty yelling at Regulus that was something

"What the heck do you want Bart?" Regulus asked with an eye roll

"No, you do not get to give me attitude after what you have done. my room now" He shouted standing right next to him at this stage.

yet once again he does as he is told because Barty is Regulus' only weakness. That was until James Potter entered his life

"Do you care to explain why the bloody heck you screamed at me in the middle of the dungeons, embarrassing my reputation and dragging me all the way back here to you is about? not to mention the fact you interrupted my important study time. We have exams in January you know!" Regulus huffed in annoyance

when the stars finally alineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang