That's how society appears to work. And for someone like him he was of no exception. The only one who would dare to really care was an life long friend, but now that he has his own partner to be with; he didn't want to burden him. Now he just bottles up everything inside until he can't no more.

But it's hard for him to keep his mouth closed, when he sees his roommate Feng Xin, bring girls to the house over and over again. Albeit, they were never truly special, or good looking, just plain. But Mu Qing would get irritated everything. If they were to go to a party, he would catch Feng Xin with his girlfriends just talking and laughing with others while he's left on the side line to just be on his own. It's always been that way ever since he helped him to get rid of his fear of women. Now he is regretting ever doing so.

"Mu Qing?"

Mu Qing breaks out of his thoughts as his gaze lifts from his coffee cup to a familiar couple standing before him. He had decided to go to the park on his own, before Feng Xin could realize that he's gone in order to just clear his head for a bit. He didn't think that he would run into people that he knew, especially his friend Xie Lian and his partner San Lang.

"Xie Lian...? What brings you around here?" He asks.

San Lang tilts his head a bit, "We were just having a morning walk, I'm surprised you're out here. Escaping the bedroom? I can see the marks on your neck," He says with a smirk.

Mu Qing pulls up his scarf to cover the marks a bit more as his ears flash in a red color.

"Are you...still doing those things with him?" Xie Lian asks as he chooses to sit with his friend. San Lang was a bit reluctant, but he couldn't say no or disagree in anyway. He decides to quietly sit beside his partner as the two begin to talk.

Mu Qing doesn't reply with words, and frankly he didn't need to.

"Mu Qing....why are you doing this to yourself...? You need to speak up. I've always seen you be so feisty and loud when you need to get a point across. Why can't you do it with him? You're only hurting yourself like this..."

Mu Qing turns his head.

"What would you know...? It's different for you..."

Xie Lian frowns and sighs. This time San Lang decides to interject.

"It may be different, but that doesn't mean anything. I never told him my feelings. He figured it out instead. Feng Xin is an idiot with a bit of a small ego now that he found his own play boy personality. He's not going to notice your feelings so easily, that'd why you need to stop closing your lips and open your damn mouth to speak."

"Out of all people to say things to me..."

Xie Lian chuckles lightly.

"He is right though Mu Qing. You haven't even dated yourself, and it's because you can't bring yourself to do so. I don't want to see you tear yourself apart like this."

"After all these years, why should it matter now?"

He throws his drink away and stands up from the park bench with his hands being shoved into his pockets.

"Mu Qing..!"

"Stop it!"

He turns to them both.

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