Entry 21: Home Sweet Home

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I had a pleasant rest, the rocking of the boat was relaxing and it was useful that it could take itself to my destination while I just slept.

Once disembarked, I climb to the top and there I meet the misty knight again.

"Finally we see each other again, after so long" - I tell him while greeting.

"Yes, a long time indeed, you have done a good job fulfilling your mission, I am proud"- He answered.

"I had no idea that elementals were so powerful, I could have used some of your help... God?" - I added.

"You're right about that Alio, however since I stoped the calamity of the... what did you call it?... Hostile Frigustella, I've been very weakened, much of my energy was transferred to creating this island" - explained the Knight.

"I understand, I hope you recover soon, if it's any consolation now there is a lot of life on this island, magical and even intelligent, they even get along with the elves, this place you have created can thrive like no other" - I commented.

"I'm glad to know that, however I can't stay for much longer here, now that my influence is not so globalized, I need to personally go where I am needed... Will you be able to continue taking care of this place for me? Friend" - he continued .

"I suppose so, if you assure me that I won't have to fight against more titans"-I confirmed between laughs.

"I don't promise anything"-he said laughing-"You have earned the greatest recognition from me and for that reason I am giving you this"-he added as he offered me a new white crystal.

"This is pure frigustella, its power is greater than that of the amatella and it produces more brightness than any other, May its light push away the shadows on your path, guardian of life"-he finished by saying.

"Fascinating, thank you very much sir" I said.

"There's no reason to thank me, you've earned it. Now I have to go, I think they're waiting for you in the elven village due to the arrival of the humans, I hope your relationships are fruitful, May the light be with you" - he said before leaving.

"... May the light be with you" - I said imitating him to say goodbye.

I can finally go back to town with my people and just focus on adding entries to my odd journal whenever I find a new creature.

The trip seems long with the desire to return home. When embarking, some fishermen looked at me incredulously, after all, a living boat that buries itself in the ground when it arrives at por, is not something you see every day.

You can see the citadel on the hill of the sleeping volcano, I decide not to wait any longer and go ahead with my powers.

It's an amazing ambiente there, they've been very busy building while I was out on my adventures. The streets were brimming with life and elegance, with people everywhere talking, laughing, negotiating and even playing music. The buildings were tall and highly detailed. Right away I was able to meet a familiar face.

"By the beards of Zeus! It's you Alio"
Said the head of the scouts.

"And in one piece... Luckily " I answered hugging her while we both laughed.

"Wow, it's been a while, you've changed quite a bit boy" she added.

"I hope you're not implying that I look old boss" I commented jokingly.

"Haha, of course not, you seem wiser, more mature, you must have learned a lot on your mission" she said.

"Damn right, I have a lot to teach you, but I didn't expect to learn how to fight too" I said.

"I really want to hear it all, hey, why don't you tell us about it in the tavern?"she added.

"Good idea, tonight bring the whole team, the tab is on me, I haven't spent a coin in months haha, but hey, I have to visit the king now" I replied.

"It's a deal, take care" she said goodbye with a smile.

"See ya," I finally said.

So I went up the main street until I reached the castle and there they opened the doors for me when they recognized me. It had a very successful finish, with all those blocks of volcanic stone, arches and stained glass windows, it looked more like a cathedral than a castle. Finally I reached the room where the king and his son were.

"You finally arrived, Alio, I was waiting for you" said the king solemnly with his hands behind his back, turning slowly.

"I-I hope it hasn't taken too long" I replied somewhat nervous at his tone of voice.

"Nothing not worth waiting for to see my favorite scout" he said cheerfully as he shakes my hand effusively.

"Oh, I see hehe, it's also a pleasure to talk to you face to face, your highness" I answered more relieved.

"No need to treat me like royalty kid, it makes me feel old haha, you were right with this new place, it's amazing, I think we will have a great future here" continued the king.

"I'm glad to hear that, the magical creatures of these lands are fascinating, they have a lot to learn from us, and they also have a lot to teach us" I added excitedly.

Then the king's son, about 10 years old or so, came out from behind his father after timidly hiding, and approached me with hopeful eyes.

"Are there magical creatures on the island!?" he said amazed.

"It's true little one, and they're everywhere" I replied with a smile.

"Can you take me with you to look for them? Please please please" he said with big cute sad eyes.

I crouched down to be at his level and said "I'm sorry my prince, but I have to help your father with the preparations for the arrival of the humans... I know! Here" I said giving him my diary "In this book there is everything I know about the fascinating creatures on this island, take it with you into the forest and when you find one, ask the book and Spark will tell you everything it knows, okay?" I ended up saying.

"Wiiiiiiii!" the boy said as he ran out of the room with the book in hand.

"Don't worry Alio, he'll return the book to you without a scratch, he's a good boy" the king assured me.

"Yes..." I answered, to be honest, something bothered me when I looked at the young prince and I don't know why.

We went to the main port of the island and there we met the humans.

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