Niko Ender Pt. 2

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1 Month later. . .

I was here for revenge.

And I was going to get it.

I would never surrender to a pathetic, pale little guy like Nico.

No, I wouldn't. 

As I march into the campus, I practice my fist movements. 

Yes, I would live up to my name.

Yes, I would make him sorry for making me seem like a fool.


Yeah, I think I'm ready. I flex my muscles and smile. 

"Excuse me, do you know where Nico Di Angelo is?" I ask a guy with blonde, shaggy hair. He turns, momentarily stunned.

"I'm sorry, what's your name?"


"Last name?"

I glare at him, annoyed.


"Oh. Well, bye then!" 

Then he quickly walks away.


I turn around to go to the other side of the field, coming face to face with no other than Nico Di Angelo.

"Oh, it's you again," He says, bitterly, "How did you find me? Actually, never mind, I don't want to know-"

"Nico!" Someone shouts.

The shaggy-haired blonde guy runs up to him, out of breath.

"There's this guy-his name-"

Then he turns to look at me, sheepishly but fearfully.

"Oh hi there."

I smirk.

Was I really that scary? I hope so.

"Hi," I say. 

The blonde guy looks at Nico and gives him a weird but serious stare. Nico ignores him, clenching his fist.

I could've sworn the landscape had become darker.

No. Blonde guy mouths.

Again, Nico ignores him.

"So what are you doing here?" He asks casually.

Looking for revenge on you. I want to say.

But he doesn't give me a chance to answer.

"Nico don't--" the Blonde dude tries to say.

"Shut up, Will! This guy tried to poison me-let him get what he deserves." Nico says, muttering weird words in a different language.

In an ancient language.

"What are you doing to me?" I ask fearfully, trembling slightly.

Nico smiles faintly but doesn't say anything.

"Nico-" The Will guy/blonde dude warns.

"I'm trying to concentrate!" 

"I'm a healer. I can't let you do this-"

Then he snaps his fingers.

Wait, what am I talking about again?

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