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Larissa's POV

I woke up with Y/N still laying on me. I smiled to myself and carefully got up, so that I didn't wake her. It was already seven so I had to get ready quickly. I left the office to head to my dorm. There was no one in the halls yet which was a relief. I got dressed and did my makeup quickly before going back to wake up Y/N, and yet it was very hard to do. She looked so peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to ruin that. "Y/N," I whispered in her ear. "My love," I said instead. She moved around a bit. "Darling?" I asked. She opened her eyes and yawned. She smiled at me. "Good morning," she muttered. "Good night," she turned back around to go to sleep. "No! It's already 7:30," I informed her. She shot straight up. "My dorm's across the entire school!" She shouted. She tried to leave but I stopped her. My dorm was just next door so I lead her there. "I have to get my clothes- and makeup-" "Here," I cut her off. I handed her a uniform in her size and some make up for her. "Now go get ready," I told her. "Thanks," she smiled and kissed me on the cheek before going to the bathroom to change. By eight she was out and ready. "Wait right here. I have something for you," I left the room to go to my office and grab it.


Larissa was taking a while and I didn't want to be late. So I ran to my math class praying she wouldn't be mad. I realized I left my backpack in Larissa's office once I got to my math class. I raised my hand. "Yes?" The teacher asked. "I left my backpack in my dorm. Can I go get it?" I asked. She sighed and nodded. I wasn't in a rush to get to Larissa's dorm. I mean- it's math. Half of that stuff we won't even use. Like- multiplying and dividing factions?! What's the point?! When I got to her office the door was slightly open. I opened it and she was just sitting at her desk doing paperwork. "You forgot to shut the door my darling," I told her. She looked at me confused. "It was slightly open," I pointed out. "Oh. Is that your backpack?" She asked pointing to it. "Um... yeah. You know what my backpack looks like," I said a bit confused. "What was it you had for me by the way?" I asked remembering earlier. "What do you mean?" She asked. "You know. You said to wait in your dorm and that you were going to grab something?" I tried to remind her. "Y/N. I have work to do I can't be bothered with your lies," she said. I looked at her hurt. But then and idea came into my head. "You'll make it up to me later right?" I asked with a wink. I saw the anger in her eyes. "That is completely inappropriate! Leave my office! Now!" She screamed. I quickly left and went to my classes for the rest of the day. It got around to Piano but Larissa didn't show. So I headed straight to detention instead. "Im here for detention," I muttered. "I didn't give you detention," she said. "Yes. You did," I snapped. "Do not take that tone with me!" Something was really wrong. "Larissa-" "Since when do you call me Larissa? It's Principal Weems to you," she glared at me. "Did I do something wrong? Are you trying to get rid of me? Am I not good enough?" I asked with tears streaming down my face. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Do you still love me?" I said. She seemed taken back by the question. "Or did you only date me for fun?" "Y/N. A teacher is not aloud to date a student it's against protocol!" She informed me. "I would never break the rules. Are you feeling alright? You seem delusional," she said. I grabbed my stuff and ran to my dorm. What was going on? She had never just acted like that. And she still remembered me so it couldn't be memory potion. I mean- was that even Larissa in the office?

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