how to tame a monster

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It was any other normal day for Name, although she had run out of things to do. So out she wandered into the orangey wasteland outside her shack, looking for either raw material or new things to tinker with.
As someone with incredible curiosity, Name often took apart mundane household appliances and attempted to rewire them. She once managed to turn a blender into a buzzsaw. While the appliances she fiddled with and occasionally broke may have been common and convenient amenities in the previous world, there was little to no use for them now, other than to be reconfigured into weapons or defensive items.
She was looking for these appliances, hopefully ones still with rechargeable batteries in them, as she was running low on those. And it was all going very normally, until she noticed movement out of her right eye.
Turning to get a better look, she saw a human head peeking up at her from behind a stack of rubble. It wasn't entirely human, though, as it seemed to have deep red horns poking out through its hair. Whatever it was, it looked to be eyeing Name somewhat curiously.
"Oh? Who are you?" The woman turned her body and moved slightly towards the being. At this, the head quickly disappeared behind its cover. A low growl could be heard. It didn't seem to like her, but it didn't seem to want to run either. Name stepped over some more debris and tried to peer over what it was hiding behind. When she did, she got another look at the creature and noticed more inhuman features. A similarly deep red-colored tail with a tuft of brown fur at the end, and tiny brown wings with white ends set in its back. Despite this, it was entirely humanoid. And nude... But it didn't seem to matter.
When it noticed her looking, it yipped and took on a more aggressive stance. Name noticed just how small it was before stepping around a last bit of rubble to be face-to-face with it. It backed up away from her, but growled and continued acting aggressive. The façade wasn't quite working on Name, though- Either that, or she didn't care. What she had on her hands, she thought, was a weird dog.
"Heey buddy, calm down," she soothed, still slowly stepping closer to the strange creature. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
When she said that, it seemed surprised, tilting its head stopping its growling.

'This is a human,' he realized. 'It has my eye. That's why I feel so drawn to it.' He wasn't sure why, but he knew he had to get his eye back. 'And if it's not going to hurt me, then I have the opportunity...'

The being relaxed, and Name was surprised. It seemed to understand her. No, wait, she shouldn't be so surprised! The thing was basically human, after all, so of course it would understand what she says. "Look at you!" She exclaimed excitedly.

'...Well, if I don't even know why I'd try to kill this human, then I shouldn't bother. Senseless.'

It seemed only curious now, foregoing its aggressive position and now sitting on its knees. It eyed Name pensively, and she smiled. The weird dog was hers! "Heheh," she chuckled. "That was easier than I thought it'd be."

'Are you calling me simple?!' He thought, then growling at the human in front of him momentarily.

It stood up on fours and approached her side, growling, but still curious. "Oh, sorry!" She smiled. "I didn't mean to offend." Despite that, it seemed to want to come with her.
     Well, okay! Name would gladly accept this new weird dog. It was something new for her, so it'd be exciting.
     She would lead the creature back home after they found some batteries together. Name was surprised that it could understand her so well!
     The rest of the day was made up of getting to know this new creature.
     She found out its name was Wyx by allowing it to pick letters off of an instruction manual, figured out he was a guy, and then she gave him some clothes. They tried out a few different outfits, but eventually Wyx landed on an oversized jacket, a pair of dark gloves, and huge boots. In the end, it fit him, Name thought!
Wyx was definitely still wary of her, and sometimes he stared at her like he wanted to kill her right then and there, but overall, they got along.

"Up-up! You are not sleeping naked in this house!"
Wyx growled at Name. He stood in the middle of her room, clothing thrown to the side.
"No complaining! If you're gonna hang around, you're gonna listen! At least wear some shorts," she stated. Wyx huffed, but he seemed satisfied with only shorts. Name gave him a pair and he managed to get them on himself. His tail made them hang low towards the back, but he didn't seem to mind.
She tucked herself under her sheets when she was satisfied with Wyx's clothing. But she looked back, and the monster seemed confused. He didn't know what to do.
"Uhh..." Name mumbled. "Do you wanna sleep on up here with me..?" She made the offer, and Wyx seemed to consider it.
In the end, he curled up right at the foot of the bed. Name wasn't going to pressure him to get up with her if he didn't want to, so she rolled over and faced the other way.
"Goodnight, Wyx," she called.
He simply yipped in response.
     It was the start of something new for the both of them.

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