Chapter Forty-Five: Grounded

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You give Loki another tender kiss before you eventually get off him and slip off the bed. 

You walk into the bathroom and have a quick shower, needing to freshen yourself up after such a workout with him. Once you had cleaned yourself up, you quickly exit the bathroom, well aware he was still in bed, at get dressed into nice clean clothes. 

Loki had one arm behind his head. He was entertained. He had watched you get dressed and stumble about the bedroom. "Well, don't you look incredibly sexy fresh out of the shower, and into clean garments." He speaks seductively, teasingly.

You roll your eyes lightly and turn to have your back to him. He suddenly appears beside you, appearing to already be dressed. His magic was far more advanced than yours, though he had been at it longer than you. 

"Behave, sweetie... Unlike you; I have training to do." You speak a little sternly. 

"Did we not just do.... five to six... oh... wait.. maybe seven rounds of 'training' last night?" He teases you, clearly guessing on how many times you and him had sex. 

You blush a little and stop what you're doing. "I-it's not the same thing.... You... d-dirty boy..." You stammer as you rather bashful about it. He chuckles at your reaction.

You unlock the bedroom door, walk out of the room and down the corridor until you reach the common area. Before your training; you decide to have breakfast. It wasn't wise to train on an empty stomach. 

Loki had followed after you, laughing all the way. He eventually takes your hand and gives it a soft squeeze of support. He was being cute. 

"Morning, Kiddo." Your newly adoptive father, Tony, greets you, with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Good morning, Dad." You greet him, watching his reaction as you had called him 'Dad', to which he shivers in response to. You snicker a little. 

"Cute, Y/N. You're training today, right? Away from a certain... God of Mischief?" He asks, giving Loki a quick glance. He didn't seem too impressed that Loki was with you so early. 

"After breakfast, yes, that's the plan. Though, Loki and anyone else is more than welcome to watch... or be my opponant." You nod lightly, confirming that you'll be training today. You give Loki a small sideways glance and you see a smirk at the corner of your eye. 

"Let's not push him too much, love. I'll stay out of the way, so not to distract you. Like I said before; we did plenty of 'training' yesterday."  Loki says playfully, unable to hide the mischevious smirk on his face as he mentions your activity yesterday. 

"Alright..." You smile lightly at Loki then turn to Tony, ignoring the little teasing Loki had done to try to get underneath Tony's skin. 

"Tony, was there any luck with that person who shot me yesterday?" You ask him curiously, changing the subject. 

"No, I'm afraid not, Y/N. The culprit didn't register on my scanners. I couldn't find the bastard. So, until further notice, for your own safety; you're grounded until he's found." 

"Grounded, as in grounded from flying.... or grounded as in not allowed to leave the building?" You ask curiously, needing to know for clarification. 

"Unfortunately, it's both, Kiddo. I'm sorry, it's for your own protection." He clarifies with you.

You nod in acknowledgement. You understood that he was doing it to protect you. There was someone out their possibly targetting you and he was making sure you were safe. Rules had to be put into place. 

"Don't worry about it. It's fine, I get it." Your voice and expression matched what you were thinking. That you understood. 

You walk over to Tony and give him a gentle cuddle. He hugs you awkwardly back in return before you both move away from each other. 

You grab a peice of fruit before giving them both a cheeky salute. You then turn on your heels and head towards the training area on another floor, needing to practise both your magic and combat skills. You were lacking in both areas. 

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