Chapter Nine: Bonding

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You hear Loki's voice beckoning you slumber, his tone was soft. "Rise and shine, my pet. It's time to start your training."

You open your eyes slowly and begin sitting up, rubbing the sleepy dust out of your eyes. You hear Loki chuckle softly at your drowsy state. 

You glance up to see Loki standing in front of you, towering over you. His face was incredibly close to yours.

"You're quite incoheriant first thing in the morning, my pet. It's rather adorable." He teases you. You get up slowly from the floor and stretch lightly as you stand up and straighten yourself. You hear small click as you straighten your back and spine.  He takes a small step back from you to give you the space you need.

"I'm quite positive that most people are incoheriant when they've just woken up from a long slumber." You tease right back, giving him a small teasing smirk as you lowered your arms after your much needed stretch.

"Now then, shall we begin?" Loki muses, a tender smile on his face, which catches you completely off gaurd.

You sigh and do a few small jumps and stretches, which only seems to amuse him more, shaking your hands a little, preparing yourself for Loki's help. "I'm ready." You speak eagerly, determined to get your odd controllable new power under control, mostly so you didn't hurt anyone else accidently, like you did with Fury and his gaurds. Though, deep down you knew that kind of deserved it for making you feel threatened.

Loki stands a few feet in front of you, in the small space of the glass dome you both share. He patiently shows you a few magic tricks, clearly having no intent of escaping, otherwise he would've by now.

"Focus, Miss Star. Your power comes from your core, the very depths of your being. Imagine it coursing through your body and make it focus in one specific area, like your fingers or the palm of your hand." He says in a neutral tone. You shut your eyes and begin to do as he says, though you can't quite focus hard enough. You sense him take one step towards you and you lose what little focus you had, opening your eyes to see him closer than expected. He face was inches from yours and almost close enough to kiss.

He pulls away with a small chuckle, clearly teasing you.

An hour passes and you were no closer to controlling your odd static power. You couldn't seem to get the hang of it. "So much for being a fast learner." You mutter in frustration to yourself and glance at Loki. "I'm sorry, but I can't do it..." You apologize to him, your voice filled with devastation and disappointment. 

"Keep trying, my pet. You'll get there eventually. I know you can do it." His words are nothing but encouraging. He seemed confident. Though you become distracted as he calls you his 'pet' again. You had to blink rapidly a few times and shake your head to regain your composure.

You do as he says and continue to practise though after a while, without having any success, with not even a spark forming in your palm, you sigh heavily as it seemed hopeless.

"I'm sorry Loki... Perhaps I'm just a terrible student." You sit down on the floor, your back up against the thick bullet-proof re-enforced glass. You wrap your arms around your knees, lightly hugging yourself. Loki sits down beside you, gazing at you with a soft expression on his face.

"Your abilities shall take time. Don't be so disheartened so swiftly. It is merely the first day. You'll get there." His voice was oddly tender in reassurance. You smile half-heartedly as he seems to have a soft side for you.

"Thanks, Loki... Though... if I had my memories... perhaps I'd know how to use this power.. I'd know who I am, where I'm from." You say wishfully, happy that he was with you. You felt at ease with him.

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