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This chapter has all the clans I know from the books, movies and video games.

Omatikaya Clan: Spiritual Artisans

The Omatikaya are an ancient clan that has lived and thrived in the rainforests of Pandora for hundreds of generations.
While these fierce hunters proudly protect their jungle homeland, they are also a friendly and deeply spiritual people. Their strong connection to nature is evidenced by the Hometree in which they live. They are at one with the natural world around them, riding direhorses and mountain banshees, carving bows from the branches of Hometree, and creating artifacts from plants, shells, and crystals. They are also noted weavers, recognized for their beautiful textiles and woven structures. Community is hugely important to the Omatikaya. All the important events in an individual's life are celebrated with a communal gathering involving music, food, and dance.
The Omatikaya have developed close relationships with nearby Navi clans. Some clans oppose the Omatikaya's decision to admit humans into their society; however, this distrust largely subsides when certain humans notably Dr. Grace Augustine and Jake Sully prove that they can make valuable contributions to Navi society. When the RDA launches a blistering attack on the Omatikaya's homeland, other Navi clans are quick to come to their aid.
Tayrangi Clan: Seaside Skymasters

The Tayrangi are one of the most prominent clans of the Ikran People a general term that refers to those clans who ride the ikran, or mountain banshee. The Tayrangi live on the edge of a cliff, perched over the tempestuous Eastern Sea. The sea is a source of food for the clan, who have mastered banshee-diving as a form of fishing. Banshee and rider dive into the waves at high speed, submerging for brief periods before returning to the sky. If this dangerous maneuver is not executed properly, the rider could easily be killed. When called upon by the neighboring Omatikaya clan and Toruk Makto, the Tayrangi provide staunch support to their allies. Their honed, aerial hunting tactics give them a considerable advantage against unsuspecting
RDA pilots.
Tawkami Clan: Peaceful Lorekeepers

These gentle, jungle-dwelling Navi are natural botanists, chemists, and alchemists. Other clans may see a verdant and beautiful forest, but the Tawkami see a precious collection of ingredients, each with its own special powers and virtues. The Tawkami combine these natural elements to create powerful potions and remedies in recipes that have been refined over many generations. The earliest Navi stories tell of a Tawkami youngster named Tsyal. She uses one of the clan's most sacred seeds to help the first Toruk Makto subdue the ferocious toruk.
Flower power
The Tawkami clan makes use of plants for food, medicine, clothing, and decorative items.
Kekunan Clan: Banshee Masters

This daring Navi clan makes its home at the base of sheer and dangerous mountain cliffs. Like the Tayrangi, the Kekunan are masters of banshee flight. Legend even says that the first Navi to bond with a banshee was a member of this clan. Kekunan youngsters train for banshee riding at an early age, developing the reflexes and nerve the Kekunan people are famed for.
The Kekunan dress in bright, festive colors to show their confidence; riders often select shades that match the vibrant patterns of their banshee mounts.

Eyes high
Kekunan clan members wear visors made from leaves and feathers to protect their eyes from wind while flying at speed.
Anurai Clan: Skilled Craftspeople

This ancient clan specializes in the wisdom of the night sky. Its members track the movement, and chart the alignments of, stars, planets, and moons. The Anurai are also Pandora's most accomplished artists. Their unparalleled craftwork musical instruments, visual art, and jewelry is highly valued across Pandora and even in Earth's black markets. While some Anurai artisans search the land for perfect materials to turn into works of art, the majority of the clan has settled in a vast, sacred bone sanctuary. Here, they take the ancient bones of animals whose spirits now run with Eywa and transform them into beautiful artifacts.
Treasured items
The Anurai tsahik wears an intricate beaded headdress; such jewelry is a defining aspect of Anurai culture.
Tipani Clan: Armoured Warriors

The Tipani are perhaps the fiercest warrior clan of all the Navi people. Their hunting prowess is renowned far and wide. They live in more than a dozen small villages scattered throughout the dense jungles of Pandora. Though all Navi are proficient fighters, the Tipani train like no other clan. They raise their children to be warriors from a very young age. When the Tipani hunt, they move without making a sound. This silent hunting style is reflected in the Tipani's otherworldly demeanor. A Tipani rarely speaks, but when one does, it is with careful consideration and often carries considerable weight.
Combat ready
With their trademark armor made from the shells of the cuirass crab, the Tipani clan is always ready for the hunt.
Olangi Clan: Direhorse riders

Vast grassy plains are roughly a day's banshee flight away from the Omatikaya's rainforest. This very different topography is home to a group of various horse clans, including the Olangi.
More nomadic than most Navi, the Olangi follow the migration patterns of the animals they hunt.
Other Navi clans ride the direhorse, but the animal is a truly intrinsic part of Olangi culture and the clan's chosen battle mount. The Olangi provide excellent ground support to the Omatikaya during the battle to save the Tree of Souls from destruction by the RDA.
Metkayina Clan: Reef Guardians

The Metkayina are a Na'vi clan that live among the distant atolls of Pandora. Every aspect of the Metkayina lifestyle is attached to the rhythms of the waters. Their homes — also known as maruis — are built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores and are protected from crashing wave by giant reef barriers. The Metkayina have peaceful relations with their neighboring clans and a unique and spiritual interspecies kinship with the tulkun. While too far away to assist the Omatikaya in their battle with the Sky People, the Metkayina know that with the RDA's return, their peace may come to an end.
Rey'tanu Clan: Highland Grazers

The Rey'tanu Clan lives in the arid highlands. Since the biodiversity is weak in their area, they have adapted more on primitive agriculture and grazing than hunting, which leaves them only a small number of hunters.
Hulanta Clan: Wetland Weavers

The Hulanta Clan is a Na'vi clan that lives in the Wetlands. The Hulanta clan's symbol is water, and whirlpools are often used in their designs, as they consider water to be sacred. The Hulanta are experts in pottery and weaving. The Hulanta were attacked by the administrator of Forward Base, Trinity Harper, and the Wetlands area bombed. The surviving Hulanta had to leave their home.

Huyuticaya Clan: Viperwolf Ritualists

Huyuticaya are known for their tremendous love and respect for viperwolves, and often decorate their streamers with the viperwolf themes. Some of the clan members wear outfits to look like viperwolves. They also mark their face, hands, and feet with white warpaint to show they are without fear of death.
Li'ona Clan: River Dwellers

Only one member of Li'ona clan is known by name, Tasun. He helped Rai'uk, who crashed near his village after a fight with a Scorpion. The clan lived in poor conditions. Flora and fauna were dying on the clan's habitat and the rivers had been dry as long as could be remembered. Rai'uk blamed humans for these conditions and asked for the clan's help to bring back the water. The Li'ona clan, however, did not want to make war. Rai'uk went alone and destroyed the humans' dam, making the rivers run again. Upon his return, the Li'ona clan were joyous and grateful. Conrad Olson attacked the Li'ona clan with several troops in retribution for Sean Wallen's death. Rai'uk stopped the attack and was offered to be part of the clan. He refused the offer and left to inform the Na'vi of the enemy inside.

Ni'awve Clan: The First Clan

The Ni'awve clan was the first ever Na'vi clan. They reside in the Valley of Origins and their clan leader is Tsu'hak. Ni'awve clan made contact with humans when they found Ryan Lorenz near the Tree of Souls. Since Ryan had a vision of a possible future, the Ni'awve saw him as a chosen one. Ryan Lorenz helped them a lot during his time there and the Ni'awve taught him the way of the Na'vi. After Ryan's death he was seen as a hero of the Ni'awve clan.

Mangkwan Clan:Secretive Mystics

The Mangkwan clan is a Na'vi clan briefly mentioned in Avatar: The Next Shadow. Ateyo and Artsut traveled to the Mangkwan clan expecting to be welcomed only there, after they were exiled by Jake Sully. The reason why this clan would accept outcasts in their clan is unclear.
Tomak'ta Clan: Skilled Windriders

Tomak'ta clan is a clan that is known for their love and respect for banshees. They often decorate their Streamers with iconography of the banshees.

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