For him now, even if this fairy grass falls in the hands of others, it is far better than falling in the hands of Dong Hongyun and others!

As long as Mo Yunjue agrees to join their team, then they can join forces to defeat the Qin Run Dynasty team.

As a result, although they don't have the fairy grass, they have already surpassed the Qin Run dynasty!

Anyway, it is destined to be unavailable, so it is better to let a third person get it!

Chapter 1397: No need to worry!

Pan Zimo has dealt with Mo Yunjue before, so he knows Mo Yunjue's behavior very well.

However, in this case, this is not a bad thing.

On the contrary, although they have lost the fairy grass, they can preserve their dignity.

After all the practitioners of the Wanyun Dynasty saw someone coming to help, their originally ugly expressions eased a bit at this moment, at least they didn't have to be humiliated by the practitioners of the Qin Run Dynasty.

When Baili Hongzhuang and others saw that Mo Yunjue actually knew the practitioners of the Wanyun Dynasty, a look of surprise appeared in their eyes.

"There are so many people that Master Mo knows, he even knows the practitioners of the Wanyun Dynasty."

Yuan Xiaoman's eyes appeared astonished, Wanyun Dynasty is a real large dynasty which was far away, and she only just heard about it.

"Isn't Young Master Mo from the Qiaofeng Dynasty?" Bai Junyu frowned, "The distance between the Qiaofeng Dynasty and the Wanyun Dynasty is not normal!"

These two, one was located east and the other was west, and the distance was extremely far. It was hard to imagine that Mo Yunjue of the Qianfeng Dynasty would know the practitioners of the Wanyun Dynasty.

Baili Hongzhuang stared at Mo Yunjue's back, her eyes also filled with doubts.

She really didn't understand Mo Yunjue's identity.

However, with Mo Yunjue's knowledge and understanding, it was not surprising that he had been to many places.

Just like her, she has been in Fengboguo. Didn't she meet Yuan Xiaoman and Yuan Zhixin of the Xueyuan Dynasty?

Everything is fate.

Dong Hongyun couldn't help but changed a little after seeing Mo Yunjue appeared suddenly.

This fairy grass was already in their pockets. Unexpectedly, a Mo Yunjue suddenly appeared. Wouldn't it happen again?

The strength of the practitioners of the Wanyun Dynasty is comparable to theirs. Now that they are injured and their natural strength cannot be compared.

It's just that now such a strange cultivator appears again, then this combat power has to be re-evaluated.

"This Gongzi, this is a matter between our Qin Run Dynasty and Wanyun Dynasty. I hope you won't get involved."

Mo Yunjue glanced at Dong Hongyun lightly, "If I said, I just want to control it?"

Listening to Mo Yunjue's words, Dong Hongyun's face suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes were full of displeasure and threat.

"Are you sure you want to be an enemy of my Qin Run dynasty? I'm afraid you can't bear the result."

However, in the face of Dong Hongyun's threat, Mo Yunjue was not moved, "You don't need to worry about it anymore."

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