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"Pack your shit and go. Get the fuck out of my sight.", your now ex boyfriend Campbell yells at you. As the words came out of his mouth you fell your heart shatter.

You're shaking, arms wrapped around your chest like you're hugging yourself. Your face is flushed red, wet tears rolling down your cheeks and pooling in your bottom eyelids.

"Campbell please just listen to me!", you begged stepping closer to him. His jaw clenches and his hands come to the back of his head. He steps back and turns around, "I can't even look at you right now."

"Please Camp-", you start but are interrupted. "FUCKING LEAVING ALREADY.", he screams hitting the wall beside him. The wall caving under his fist. The hole will probably stay there forever.

You turn around and walk out the door not bothering with getting your stuff. You run, you run as fast as your legs will take you, no destination in mind.

You hair flys in the wind behind you. It wasn't true. What Campbell thought you had done.

Campbell was your whole world. You never meant for any of this to happen.

You ran till your legs felt like they were going to buckle under you. You were now at the start of the woods that surrounded New Ham.

In that moment you made a choice you thought was right. A choice soon proving to be one of your last.

You walked into the woods and kept going even though your feet ached. You weren't scared, you loved nature and at that very moment you hadn't had a care in the world.

You slumped down against a tree catching your breath. You closed your eyes and lent your head against the hard wood.

Slowly your eyes started feeling heavy. A peaceful nap in the woods couldn't hurt right? Wrong, a sharp pain near your ankle startles you awake.

You jolt up looking down at your ankle. Two dots. Your breathing hitches, you had no idea what to do. It was too far to walk back to town. You were going to die out here alone.

Where the bites were was swelling and burning. Your vision was going blurry, wether that was from crying or the venom or both.

You bite your lip trying not to yell and curse. You take deep breaths in and out. The pain was unbearable.

It was getting hard to breath and you were feeling dizzy and nauseous. Your head was pounding, your mouth was tingling and your head was spinning.

No one was looking for you. No one knew you were 'missing'. No one knew you were dying.

You were wheezing, straining to breath. This was it. This was the end.


Campbell paced around his house. The sound of hard knocks at the front door broke him out of his trance.

Behind the door was Luke and Jason, "Is Y/n here?", Luke asks. "No?", Campbell replies confused.

"Do you know where she might be?", Jason asks from behind Luke.

"No. What's all this about?", Campbell asks leaning against the door frame. "She didn't show up for her shift.", Luke answers slight impatience in his tone.

"That's not like her.", Campbell crosses his arms. "Look if you see her tell her to come talk to us.", Luke says before turning around and walking away with Jason.

After an hour of Campbell alone with his thoughts he decides to look for you. He was still angry with you but he couldn't get this nagging feeling that you were hurt out of his head.

He checked your house. All lights were off. He looked through the windows and called out your name but nothing.

He checked at all your friends houses, no one had seen you. He searched every place you've ever went but still nothing.

Finally he went to Allie. You were declared missing and a meeting was held in the church for any information. But no one knew anything. It was if you had vanished into thin air.

It wasn't till a couple of days later when Grizz and a couple others were on their expedition that you were found.


I'm at the front leading the group through the wilderness that surrounds new ham. The air's chilly but not too bad.

I spot something, at first I think I'm hallucinating but then I realise, It's Y/n. Slumped up against a tree.

She's pale almost purple-y and motionless.

I abruptly stop. The others who haven't looked over there yet complain. Then their eyes shift to where I'm staring.

"Is that-?", one of them asks not even being able to get her name out. "Y/n? Yeah, I think so.", my voice breaks as the words get stuck in my throat.

I walk over. It's pointless but I check for a pulse. I scoop up her cold body and carry her bridal style.

"Let's go back.", I say walking the direction we came. It hadn't been long since we'd left New Ham so there was a good chance people were still standing around lost in conversation.

I was right. All eyes turned to us, then the lifeless girl in my arms.

My eyes find Campbell in the crowd. He's standing frozen, eyes glued onto her.

"No-no.", Campbell starts rambling standing in front of me. I put the girl down on the ground and he collapses next to her.


Campbells hands cup the girls face. Tears were streaming down his face. The world had seemed to have turned silent as the boy tried to shake the girl awake.

Harry placed a hand on Campbell's shoulder but it was shook off. "Wake up!", He yelled shaking her lifeless body before he collapses and lays his body on hers. "It's all my fault.", he sobbs.

"Come on buddy we need to let Gordie do an autopsy.", Harry says. Campbell doesn't let go at first but he eventually does.

Jason Picks her up just like Grizz did and carries her to the hospital where Gordie's waiting.

Campbell doesn't go with, he's sitting on the dirt crying into his arms. Harry's sitting beside him with his arm around him. No ones ever seen Campbell cry and probably never will again but thats hardly what they're thinking about.

Later that day you were buried and a funeral was held. Campbell showed up but he didn't seem emotionally there. For most of it he just stared off into the distance.

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