Crazy Butt, Monkey Trouble!

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One day in the jungle, there lived a jungle girl who has a Lion and Elephant friends who love smell her butt for farts. Why you may ask? Because she Is Stinky Butt of the jungle. Of course! She is proud of her Stinky butt, No matter how bad it smells. With it she can make the jungle a better place. No matter how different they are.

One day the 3 friends were walking through the jungle singing a made up song.

Stinky: " Hey guys I know a better lyric for the song!"

Leo & Eleaph: " What is it?"

Stinky runs to a palm tree and walk around the side of it and gave it a butt bump. They  animals laugh at that, and though it will do.

Stinky thoughts: " I think am doing amazing job at being funny! I am the prettiest and cutest creature in the land, that doesn't mean I can't be funny. Bumping my Cute round bum on a palm tree 🌴 is just classic indeed! That why BUTT is in the name!"

As they were walk, Stinky saw a brown blob in one of the palm trees. Stinky thought she was seeing things. Stinky was wrestling with Leo the lion for fun as Eleaph cheered on.  Eleaph thoughts: " Stinky is so pretty & cute. I would do anything for her if she could be my baby sister! Oh who am I kidding, she is not just cute but adorably awesome! I love humans & Monkeys too if we have one."

Leo lays on is belly and Stinky turns around and bends down and let it loose on him. Leo smells it and rubs his nose on her bum. She tells Leo if she was funny in away. Leo look up to Eleaph in a sinister manner and grab Stinky legs and kick them back and forth. Then Leo stops and pushes them back to her stomach and let it loose. Leo & Eleaph took a whiff of her and laugh with stinky.

Leo: "Of course you're funny Stinky. Even Eleaph  thinks you're hilarious!"

Stinky: "She just likes me because of my cute human Butt, right!"

Eleaph faces was red

Stinky laugh and walk over to Eleaph and hug her.

Stinky:" it's ok Eleaph, I know you love human & Money Bums on your back."

Eleaph: " That's because it feels nice on my back."

Stinky though to her shelf how adorable Leo & Eleaph are. She felt really thankful for friending them.

Leo: " You know, sometimes I don't understand monkey's Eleaph..."

Eleaph: " Oh why Leo, There so adorable like Stinky?"

Leo: " Monkey & Humans are the 2 cutest things you love huh?"

Eleaph:" Yes, there all the same but one hairy then the other. But there all so adorable, because of there tushies! I can only imagine how cute & funny to rub a monkey butt to a human one!" 🥰😂

Stinky giggle & hug Eleph.

Stinky: " You're the sweetest Elephant in this jungle! I never get embarrassed about you liking  my bum, because it like me saying I like your eyes or trunk or ears or specifically your back! my butt feel good when am on your back Eleph. You know how to make a human or monkey too comfortable."

Elepha: " Well you see, how am I going to feel your bum, if my back is not comfortable?"

Stinky & Eleaph laughs and high five ( or Elephant, high trunk) Stinky decides to go for a walk alone.

Stinky's thoughts:" Eleaph really loves humans & Monkeys butts. Nothing wrong with that, but. There others things that make me cute. Because how good they feel on her back. I don't blame her, I mean all of the animals are cute & I never knew that elephant though the same way to humans. But the bum cute on a human? Maybe it's what am wering. I have leopard sink and underneath I have some of a butt cheek sticking out. Maybe that's why it feels good on her back. Probably what am wearing is what feels good. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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