PART FIVE: The Stranger

Start from the beginning

"Yep, she is now my prisoner here" Hook retorted

Ayla cringed at the way the other man was looking at her

"Johnny, Ayla, Ayla, Johnny, my first mate"

"Pleased to meet you" said Ayla drily.

"So what are we planning to do with the little cupcake?" Johnny started approaching Ayla.

"Nothing..." Hook briskly put his hand in front of Johnny. "for now. I tortured her enough." said Hook as he looked away and lowered his hand.

Johnny said nothing to that, he seemed frustrated that Hook didn't let him near her.

"Shall we go to sleep, its sunset, and I'm tired from rowing all the way over here aye"

Hook said nothing and just turned away. He gave one quick glance at Ayla and the two men left, and she was left alone once again.

Night was slowly falling, Ayla didn't want to fall asleep for some reason. She was just lost in thought. Looking out the window she heard waves crashing again, the streak of moonlight came again but in a different spot. She looked at Hook's desk, it was made out of jungle wood, that seemed to be the only type of wood in Neverland.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard faint footsteps somewhere around. They didn't sound like Hook's, it must be Johnny. I don't want him coming here. Ayla thought.

But bad luck, he did come down the stairs. He was walking in a way so as to not make any noise, he was clearly up to something. His light steps told her that.

"Don't worry" he said in a calm voice "Hook is asleep". Ayla cringed again, she didn't know if she should be frightened or reassured. He sat down next to her, his back to the pole as well, a little bit too close to Ayla's comfort. She shifted away.

"Oh come on" he sat closer "I'm nice, I mean no harm" he said that with a greedy smile. Ayla was more frightened of this man than of Hook. It was dark, she could barely see him.

Suddenly she felt a hand on her thigh, it started moving upward. Ayla started sweating. "Stop." she said loudly.

Johnny just chuckled and kept moving his hand while he placed his other hand on her chest.

"Stop, don't you understand me, I said stop." She said louder.

But his hand movements became even more intense.

She tried to punch him or kick him away but she was too weak, she had not eaten enough and her hands were chained.

"HOOK HELP-" she tried to yell but Johnny placed his hand over her mouth. She now tried to move in every direction and push him off, but all that came out were muffled screams.

Suddenly something pulled Johnny back with irresistible strength.


Oh thank god.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" it was the first time Ayla heard him yell. It was... frightening. Really... frightening.

"I just thought-" Jonny stuttered. Ayla could only see the silhouettes of the two men.

"Shut up!" Hook kept yelling "Shut up and get off my boat now! I don't care how! I don't care if you live, I don't care if you die. Go! Now!"

Johnny scrambled up and ran away. She heard a splash in the water.

She was trembling now although she didn't notice it. Her breaths were short and shaky. She was on the verge of crying. I don't remember the last time I cried before. She told herself. Once Hook made sure Johnny was gone for good he rushed over to Ayla. He started aggressively grabbing and checking her.

"Ayla are you hurt" he quickly said

"I-" she couldn't speak

"Ayla yes or no"

"No" it came out as a whisper. It was the first time he used her name.

She could see him cleared now since he was close to her, and the moonlight was shining off of him. He looked genuinely worried.

"Good." he said in a sharp tone.

His hand made it to her face. Which he slowly examined. He was looking at her straight in the eye. She felt butterflies again. No stop. But the butterflies didn't stop no matter what she did. His hand was on her chin. He slowly brushed it back to her hair, still looking at her.

"I am so sorry," he said. Did he just apologise? That was unlike him, she slightly widened her eyes in surprise. "If anything were to happen to you I would hate myself for the rest of my life" She was speechless. She didn't know what to say to that. She stared at him in dismay.

"I-" she didn't know what she was about to say.

She wasn't sure what to say.

"Don't worry love you're safe with me" he said in a gentle voice. They just sat like this for a while, on the wooden floor, looking into each other's eyes as Hook's hands were around Ayla's face. Seeing him grab Johnny and pull him back like that, and what he said, and how he rushed over to her, made her realise that he cared about her. She wanted to get even closer to him. He brushed his hand through her hair affectionately this time.

"You're my prisoner and mine only, you're also so irresistible." he said slightly chuckling once he was reassured that she was ok. Ayla tilted her head to pretend she was confused but in reality that comment made her blush. Hook saw that she was still troubled though. He decided to wrap his arm around her and pull her closer. She didn't resist. She let herself drop in his arms.

"I won't let anything happen to you again" Harry whispered

Both of them were in denial of this, but they had feelings for each other, and it was growing with each day. Ayla seemed to be more in denial than Hook. She tried to suppress it as much as she could. But once he saved her she didn't have the strength to anymore. She let herself sink into his embrace. And they stayed like this for a while.

"You... you can sleep in my bed tonight." Ayla got up and looked at him. He saw Ayla's confused face and added "don't worry, I'll sleep elsewhere." He said with a slight, sweet smile. He slowly undid her chains and led her to his bed.

After she sat down, Hook sat down next to her and looked at her. She looked into his beautiful eyes once more, but she was unable to hold her gaze so she turned away. But she was quickly stopped by Hook taking her chin and turning her head towards him. Ayla struggled to breathe, his small gestures left her weak. But suddenly, she saw him lean in, and softly kiss her. Once he pulled back she just looked back at him with her mouth slightly open and wide eyes. He just chuckled and stood up.

"Goodnight my little duckling" he said in a soft voice.

Ayla watched him exit the room and close the door.

She lied down. The bed smelled like him. It was... comforting.

Ayla fell straight asleep, even if her thoughts were still whirling, because she has been sleeping on the floor for the past three days, because of that, the bed felt so soft. She didn't have the energy to do anything or to think about anything. She closed her eyes and plunged into deep slumber. 


Well I realise now this this happened a bit fast. Apologies for that. :P

 I am actually writing a story about Peter Pan from Once Upon a Time and I already know that it will be much longer and the story will elaborate more and there will be more characters present.

If this story gets many reads I will make an announcement when I publish my second story (which I already think is much better than this one, since I wrote this a long time ago)

~Stay amazing <3~

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