PART FIVE: The Stranger

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The sun woke Ayla up. She flinched from the streak that was coming from out of the window. She forgot she was on Hook's boat. I felt weird yesterday. Never again. She thought. As she became more conscious of her surroundings she realised that there was no noise around her except the swishing of the sea, the seagulls and the sound of her own breathing. She decided to get up and walk over to the window that was in her room, to see if they had reached land yet. The chains dragged noisily against the wooden floor. No luck, they were still stranded in the middle of the sea. Ayla suddenly had a thought, What if I annoyed him enough for him to let me go. It wasn't the best idea but it was worth a try. As she thought that, she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't even need to hear him speak, she knew it was him, there was no one else on the boat, she knocked all of his crew members off. She spun around immediately and said:

"You're not much of a captain without your crew now are you" she was clearly trying to provoke him.

He stopped. Looked at her. But said nothing.

After a long pause, he silently walked towards her.

"Love" he stated, it seemed like he was starting to get pissed off "do not open your mouth unless I asked you too" he brushed his hook through her hair, "or I will hurt you". He turned away to walk onto the main dock.

Ayla felt her breath getting shaky, she knew he meant that, but she decided to continue being spiteful anyways.

"I don't think you will" she said, trying not to sound scared "you are a coward just like your father"

The second she mentioned his father, Hook jerked around and rushed to her, and pinned her against the pole, his hand tightly wrapped around her throat. Ayla knew she made a mistake. She couldn't hide her shaky breathing now, even though she could barely breathe. Hook could easily suffocate her.

"Love" he said in a calm tone, Ayla knew that she would be less afraid if he yelled "I told you to close your mouth, as long as you're on this boat, you are my prisoner and my property, I can do whatever I want with you, and hurting you will be easy, I will spare you this time, but next time you decide to make a spiteful remark, I will make you regret it, I promise you that." his hand around Ayla's neck just got tighter the longer he spoke.

Ayla nodded how she could. She was terrified, Hook got what he wanted, she would do what he asked her to do because she was afraid of him and his intentions.

He slowly loosened his grip and let her fall to the ground.

She caught her breath back. Hook just kept looking at her. Ayla couldn't do anything else but look away. There was silence, neither Hook nor Ayla moved. That silence was quickly broken with a yell coming from the water.

Hook turned to walk there and said "Don't worry love, I'm not finished with you" What did that mean? She heard Hook getting on the dock, she also heard what seemed to be dialogue. After a while she realised that there was more than one person walking on the boat. She heard them getting closer to the room.

"And where is the rest of the crew" she heard Hook say

"We set up camp on a nearby island, but now I will soon pass on the message that we will be heading to Dead Man's cove" this time she heard a voice she didn't recognise.

She saw the two men walk into the room

"Well look at that" said the unknown man, he was wearing semi ripped clothes, he was also bald and his beard was not cleanly shaved off, he was not as formal as Hook. And definitely not as handsome.

"You caught her in the end didn't you, you were always the best Hook" the man said with a sly smile

Hook pulled his usual smirk while looking at Ayla. She felt herself turn red.

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