New home

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After our long flight to our new home we finally arrived, all four of us parents tried our best to convince Towonari and Ronal to let us stay even after they shamed our children

Light got the worst of the grilling from Ronal because she had five fingers and white hair, I could see the pain in her eyes when she ran back to Neteyam

Their daughter Tsireya showed us to our new home which was right next to the Sullys, being convenient for the children

The night grew closer, Light was out with Neteyam, no surprise, and Nima was over helping the Sullys settle in

"I'm going to miss home" I said to Tsu'tey breaking the silence

"I know, but this has to be home now, we can make it work, we have to" he said, Tsu'tey wasn't a very emotional man around other but with me he showed that side, and having this weigh on his shoulders must be breaking him

"I do know that as long as we are all together that we have a home and that there is love" I said trying to lift the stress off his chest

He nodded and put his hands on my waist pulling me closer

"I'm sorry Tsu'tey" I said as I laid my head on his chest

"What for?" He asked when he started rubbing my back

"I was one of them, I just feel guilty"

"You were never like them, you are pure hearted and loving, the sky people are not, and you are one of us now, you have been for a long time my love"

We were interrupted by Nima coming in, over the years Nima has grown into a strong girl, she was just like her father, she was still great friends with Lo'ak, they did almost everything together and sometimes she would spend girl time with Kiri and Tuk, they were like sisters with Nima and Light, I've asked Nima if she had feelings for Lo'ak but she said he was like a brother, a best friend of 14 years, and she was very delicate she was strong yes but she was like Light when it came to her emotions for others

"Mom are you okay?" She asked coming up next to us

"I'm fine just alittle getting used to, but we have the Sullys here too and I'm sure we will fit in" I said trying to make her feel at ease here

"Tsireya said that her Rotxo and Aonung will teach us their ways" she said with a smile

"You will do great, is there a reason you are so excited?" I asked teasing her

She blushed a little and looked at us with her wide eyes

"WHAT NO" she said clearly embarrassed

"I'm only teasing sweetie, now get some rest it's been a long day" I said as she walked away

"Another daughter has found her mate, I thought we had more time with them" Tsu'tey said laughing

"They are still with us love, they are just growing like we did, be glad they found something"

"I just hope they are happy, let's pray Eywa gives us that hope here now" he said as we finally got ready for bed

Hopefully tomorrow is better

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