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"Rose said she'd... oh, there she is," Rafe says.

We're standing right outside the massive boat, The Coastal Venture, that's taking us to this private island. Rafe apparently has to help the men on the dock with something, so he's sending me off inside with Rose.

"Hi, Juliet!" She reaches out to hug me. "Are you excited?"

I purse my lips, knowing that nothing I say would be able to distract from the obvious puffiness in my face and the dried tears on my cheeks.

"Yeah, she's just tired," Rafe answers for me. "I'll meet you inside in a few minutes, okay?"

I nod as he kisses my cheek before I follow Rose onto the boat.

After a few seconds, I quickly realize that the inside of this ship is fucking massive. It only takes a couple twists and turns before I've completely lost track of where I am.

Finally, though, Rose stops in front of a door at the end of a narrow hallway. "Here's where you guys will stay for the next few days," Rose says, smiling as she points through the doorway.

I walk inside to see a fairly large cabin space with a perfect view of the ocean. In one corner, there's cushioned benches creating an L-shape around a table that has two plates of breakfast on it, steam rising from the sausage and eggs.

"The cook already prepared breakfast, so, eat up if you're hungry," she says. "I'll be down the hall with Sarah, Wheezie, and..." She clears her throat. "Sarah and Wheezie."

"Okay, um... Sarah's here?"

"Mm-hmm! The whole family," she says with an expression I can't quite read.

I look around at the various cabinets and counters lining the walls. "Right," I reply as I sit down on one of the benches.

"Just come knock if you need anything, but Rafe shouldn't take long."

I nod with a smile. "Okay, thank you."

She closes the door before I hear her footsteps die out down the hall.

I can't read Sarah's mind, but she didn't seem like she wanted to leave the Pogues when I saw her yesterday, or last night for that matter. I can't imagine she changed her mind in just a few hours.

I want to go down the hall and ask Sarah what's going on, but Rose is in there with her, so she won't be able to tell me if something is wrong.

My stomach growling reminds me that I haven't eaten in a while, so I grab a fork and start eating the fresh scrambled eggs on the tray in front of me. My mind wanders back and forth between my family and the Pogues for a few minutes until I hear the door open.

Rafe walks in with his hands in fists, which I immediately recognize as a tell-tale sign that he's hiding something.

"Hey," I say quietly.

His eyes land on the counter for a few seconds before he wipes his hands on his pants and finally looks at me. "Hey."

I pat the empty space on the bench. "Come eat."

He slowly nods and walks closer, so I stand up to let him slide past me. He gently holds my back as he scoots down the bench, and once he sits down, I pile back in next to him.

His hand quickly finds my inner thigh, and after a few seconds of silently staring at the tray, he's instead leaning over to kiss my neck. I instinctively thread my fingers through his hair as he moves down to my collarbone.

Once he goes even lower, though, I remove my fingers and look down at him. "Your food's gonna get cold."

"I don't wanna eat," he mumbles lazily into my ear.

addicted vol 2 | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now