Five: Mounting Pressure

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James' gaze followed the petite, dark haired girl as she stepped out of rank. He had never made the effort to know Jun Lin personally, but he knew of her. He knew what she could do and he knew that right now she was his biggest enemy. Charlotte had for some reason trusted Jun Lin, the snitch. James had never asked her why she had chosen her for her team, but he hadn't approved of the selection. It was too much of a risk. James had reckoned she pitied her at times. Jun Lin had nobody here, no friends, nobody to talk to. She was an outcast amongst outcasts. No sentence could pass their lips without Jun knowing the truth in the words spoken. She could see through any lie and any thought of treachery. Elmhirst knew this too and he used Jun Lin to his advantage whenever his paranoia became too strong. Truth was her whole world. She did not lie, even to the headmaster, even if that meant turning on her fellow students. Charlotte had defended her in front of the entire school. And now Jun Lin was going to betray that trust.

Jun Lin came to a standstill before the headmaster, who smiled at her with a dangerous smile. "Miss Lin, I have need of you today," he said with cold eyes. "We need to find out where Miss Owens has disappeared to and I require your talents".

"Of course, sir," she said in a soft, musical voice. Her voice today sounded strong, but her fingers fluttered with a nervousness as she averted her eyes to the ground unwilling to look at her fellow students who resented her so much. James saw her as one of the true soldiers, blindly-loyal. Charlotte had had her doubts, but Charlotte didn't exist in his world anymore.

"Ian O'Connell," the headmaster snapped, turning away from Jun Lin and staring to the fiery-haired boy, ten spaces down from James. He stepped forward, lacking his usual brazen swagger and approached the headmaster.

"Kneel down," Elmhirst ordered. Ian was tall, much taller than Jun Lin. He hesitated, but Bennett stepped forward, hitting him hard with his baton behind the back of his knees. O'Connell's knees buckled, slapping against the steel panels covering the pitch below. Elmhirst paced back and forth behind Ian while Jun Lin reached forward taking Ian's face in her hands. She closed her eyes briefly and when they opened them once more her entire eyes, even the whites had turned black, all consuming, all seeing - her alteration at its most powerful.

"What is your name?" Elmhirst asked.

"Ian O'Connell," he replied clearly, staring at Jun Lin coldly. She nodded gently, approving his words. Ian's hatred of her was palpable.

"Are you in your final year?" he asked.

"Yes," Ian answered, forcing his voice to sound stronger than he appeared.

"Are you afraid?"

Ian stared at Jun's black eyes, lifting his chin slightly. "No," he breathed, defiantly.

"He's lying," Jun Lin replied calmly, her alteration drowning her nervousness. James watched them, wondering how Jun could condemn her fellow students and still sound so sweet about it. Even though she was eighteen, she looked no older the thirteen. She was beautiful with porcelain features, unassuming and innocent in appearance. Yet she could be the downfall of them all.

"Tut, tut, Mr O'Connell," Elmhirst sighed. "What did you mean to say I wonder?"

"He is frightened and uncertain". Jun Lin's black stare remained unbroken, as she read his hidden words and feelings, betraying him to Elmhirst.

"Why is he uncertain?" Elmhirst asked, looking at Ian curiously, a smirk of delight on his lips, though his eyes remained cold. It was a momentary delight in Ian's discomfort. Ian bowed his head, unwilling to look Jun in the eye. It made not difference.

James had definitely never seen him like this. Why had Charlotte's disappearance taken such a toll on him? They were best friends, yes, but he seemed so defeated. James frowned watching the back of Ian's head. Ian thinks they've killed her, he thought suddenly, a pang of pity echoing through him. Was it easier for him knowing that she was alive, though she was gone from his life forever? Was it easier for him knowing that she was with Matthew Desmarais? Of course it was, he thought. As long as he knew she was alive that would be enough for him to keep going. It was the day Elmhirst stopped looking for her, the day he was happy once more, that would be the day he would know she was dead.

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