Ch. 2: Nice To Meet You, Drums

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"Hey, you know what? Since we have new members for the percussion section, would any of you guys like to give me, Kayama-chan, and Oono-chan a little demonstration?" He proposed.

I sat down on the throne. Before I wanted to start playing, I needed some music. So I pulled out my phone, scrolled through my library and picked a song that mainly had breaks, or drum kicks where the beat comes from hitting the rims.

[skip track to 2:01]

I rhythmically tap my sticks on the hi-hat as the build-up plays, while also tapping on the rim of the snare.

As the drop hits, I hit the crash cymbal and play a straight beat, while also continuing the rhythm I had going on the hi-hat.

As I was drumming along to the drop, I began to notice through my ears as I heard a trumpet playing along to the song, mimicking its background chords.

I bring my head up, and focus my gaze onto where I heard the trumpet was being played.

I turn to my left, and saw that it was Reina playing along to my music.

She wasn't looking my way, as she was focused on playing the exact same chords to the song.

It appeared that she was being tested by those in the trumpet section.

As the song was reaching its second and last half of the drop, I started tapping repeatedly on the ride cymbal, while still playing that straight beat, as Reina starts to play notes, now imitating the main synths.

I kept my eyes on her as I hit the crash cymbal, just as the song ends, and thus she finishes playing as well.

Opening Theme: Above & Beyond ft. Alex Vargas - Blue Sky Action

Chapter 2: Nice To Meet You, Drums

She starts to move her mouth to speak: "...Will that do?" She asks. "Ah... Yes." said Kaori Nakaseko, leader of the trumpet section, taken aback by her short performance.

"Kousaka, you're so good, it's a waste you're attending our school. Which middle school were you?" asked Ogasawara, impressed. "Kitachu," answered Reina without a smile. "But I also take lessons."

"Wow, so that's why you're so good. I was kinda surprised!" said Nakaseko.

"Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it." said Reina with a small bow, though her face didn't show any sign she was pleased. She then looked my way, giving me a look of concern.

She had me in shock. To think she'd just play a duet with me out of the blue like that, and yet we haven't said a word to each other.

She then turns away as Ogasawara began to speak again. "I also have to give my compliments to Nishikawa over there by the drum set." She said, pointing her finger over to me, catching me by surprise. "You played really well, and I must say I was quite surprised that you could play the drums at a level like that."

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