Start from the beginning

wow, the one day i miss, shit actually happens. 

"do you know what charlie said?", i ask, taking an interest in the conversation.

"not exactly, we were on the opposite of the ice when it happened. i could ask?"

a quick gentle knock is heard at the door, "i'll get it."

ash rises from the bed, making her way across the hard wood floor.

"that's how you're supposed to enter a room that you don't live in.", i say pointedly, looking at my three friends.

matt chuckles, shaking my body while connie scoffs, "don't blame me, natty. it was all matt. i wanted to knock like the respectful person i am."

"yeah right.", matt taunts once again.

"julie, back me up?"

i turn to look at the brunette girl besides me to see her holding hands over her ears singing.

"why do you want to see nat?", ash questions.

a voice that gave my heart butterflies answers, "i need to talk to her about thursday. i was going to at school but she wasn't there."

matt immediately stands up, coming into view of adam and ash. almost shielding me from the boy i desperately wanted to see but as never wanted to see again. 

"what do you wanna talk about?", he quizzes, "life, school, sports?"

"i know you're in there, rose.", my heart flutters at his voice, "please just five minutes!"

"hockey, soccer, baseball, football? heck, i'd even talk about golf with you!"

"you know i don't trust you, but never said anything because ash is your twin and the girls back there seemed to think your special. i never thought that, couldn't you tell?"

"you don't understand, matthew!"

"no, i don't understand! what's going on, adam?", ash snaps, begging to be filled in.

i don't know what to fill her in on, there was nothing going on with adam and i.

"i do understand! who's shoulder did she cry on after things went down! mine, not yours, not ashs or julies or connies. not even her brothers. i was there for her."

"you weren't there! matthew, ash, please just a few minutes. i'll do anything!"

connie had moved over to my bed to comfort me and julie was there holding me back from seeing him. 

"you broke her heart, banks!"

"i didn't try to!"

"you still did and for that, you need to leave."

"it was a mistake! i just want to talk to her! explain what happened. natalia, please come out, i just want to apologize."

"no! i said fucking no banks. take a god damn hint!"

"i'm not talking to you, matthew. this doesn't involve you. this is between me and natalia. 

"you, adam banks, are nothing but a brainless idiot. who doesn't know how to treat people you care about with respect and it's finally time for you to be told that. if you were to disappear off the face of the earth tomorrow, i would be turning catholic again, thanking the god for blessing us."

"matt!", ash yells, pushing him to the side, "that's my brother!"

"think before you speak.", connie sighs, hugging me into her side.

"what are you gonna do?", julie whispers.

"i should talk to him."

"i swear to god if you walk out of this door with him."

"what are you gonna do matt? you're my best friend and i'm thankful for you. but i should at least let him explain."

he rolls his eyes, "don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart. i'm out."

matt storms out of the room, attempting to shove adam out of the way. but failing causing me to smile.

"ten minutes, adam, you have ten minutes then i want her back for an explanation from her.", ash sighs, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, "if she's not back by then, i'm releasing the hounds behind me."

the two girls on my bed wave, "hey banks."

"hey jules and connie! how are you guys doing?"

"could be better."

"i'm enjoying this drama scene, it's like straight out of a movie.", connie slaps julie on the back of the head.

"let's go adam."

it's time to face the feelings i've been pushing aside for months. 



this scene was inspired by gilmore girls. where queen paris yells at logan for cheating on rory. 

fine line, adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now