Chapter 4

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On the walk there I was just talking to Scotty while all the boys were walking ahead. They were either gossiping about me or they would move on to how Scotty looked like a nerd. I mean he was but you shouldn't say stuff like that when the person is right there.
Just before we reached the sandlot kenny dropped his ball and it rolled to scotty's feet.
"Hey, throw it back man." Said kenny who was about 4 metres ahead of Scotty.
Scotty tried to throw it but it only went 2 feet infront of him. Laughter rang in my ears. I turned to Scotty who had his head facing the floor. I picked the ball up and threw it at kenny who had his back turned to me.
"Ow, that hurt," he whined
"Good" I said in reply to his moaning
" are you a pitcher or something?" He asked
"Yeah and what? Scared I'm gonna take your place?" I replied
I turned to speak to Scotty and all the boys turned to speak to one another.

Clearly they aren't good at whispering as we heard the whole convo.
"Benny why did you bring him man."said ham.
"Yeah Benny he ain't game, you saw the way he threw." Spoke kenny
"He's the geek man" said Bertram.
"But now we have 10 which is a whole team," said Benny.
"Yeah yeah so does my sister, but I didn't bring her." Said yeah-yeah.
"With 10 guys we got a whole team yeah-yeah." Said Benny, again.
" Benny man, the kid is an L-7 weenie" said squints looking at scot doing some weird hand gestures.
"Yeah yeah oscar myers even. Foot long. Dodger dog. A weenie" shouted yeah yeah making all the guys laugh.
"Why are you laughing yeah-yeah you run like a duck," said Benny, making me giggle.
"Yeah but-but" he said
"But your apart of the game right?"asked Benny
"Yeah" he replied
"Now how come he don't get to be."replied Benny
"Coz he's a geek man" said Bertram
"He can't catch or throw"said squints
"Man, base up you blockheads" Benny turned and began walking towards me and Scotty.
"Your friends are assholes"I said to him.
"Just get to know them, there alright after a while"he said string into my eyes.
He had these gorgeous hazel eyes that matched perfectly with his tanned skin and dark hair.
He turned his attention to smalls breaking the eye contact.
"You go left centre,ok?"he said
"Uh yeah, where is that?" He asked
"Over there" I said pointing to left centre
He ran over to spot in the field which was known as left.
"That's left I said left centre." Benny told him
He shifted more central reaching his position.
"Yeah"said Benny "and you can bat with me." He said handing over the bat and and giving me a smile.
I smiled back as we walked over to home base.
"Smalls throw to second" I called out.
I hit the ball straight to smalls which seemed to surprise all the guys. To my disappointment though smalls didn't catch the ball and fell over.
" uh I-I'll get it."he said grabbing the ball.
"Throw it back" shouted Bertram.
Instead he just ran over to kenny and placed it in his glove.
Me and Benny exchanged a confused look before we jogged over to scotty who was now back at left centre.
"You can throw it you know" Benny said
"N-no I can't, thanks though, I should probably go"Scotty said.
"No stay you just gotta have fun"I said
"Yeah you think to much, bet you get straight a's n shit huh" Benny said
"Uh no I got a b once it was acctually an a minus," Scot said.
"Have you ever had a paper out?"benny asked
"I helped Elle once" Scot said.
"We'll throw it like you would throw a paper."Benny continued "when you get to here, just let go,"he said while showing him when to let go. Benny started jogging over to home base while Scotty shouted my name.
"Yeah"I said
"How do I catch it?" He asked.
"Just stick your glove out in the air,we'll take care of it."I replied
He nodded in response as I ran to home base and grabbed the bat.

A.N~hope you like it ❤️

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