19: mr. peanut pajamas

Start from the beginning

A look of realization appeared on his face as he shook his head. He wasn't the only one to get the memo either, Lane and Paris also seemed to understand the message too.

Sophie and Cassie left the table, saying a quick goodbye before they left the dining room. They grabbed their jackets and most importantly Sophie grabbed the small purse she brought with her.

They walked outside, feeling the cold winter air hitting their skin. They sat down on a bench that was normally only used on sunny days. Cassie took in a deep breath, smelling the snow that was around them.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sophie asked.

"About what?"

Sophie shook her head, "You know what."

"I said I didn't want to talk about him tonight," Cassie reminded her. 

"Paris was the one who brought him up, not me," Sophie replied and Cassie had to keep herself from rolling her eyes. 

"Later? Please?" She requested.

Sophie didn't get the chance to say anything because before she could even open her mouth the door to the inn opened. They girls turned their heads, surprised looks appearing on their faces when they realized it was Jess.

"Fancy seeing you here," Sophie laughed when she saw him.

"Well it's either this or hanging out inside with the rest of this crazy town," Jess answered as he leaned against the railing.

"Oh come on it's not that bad," Cassie replied as she grabbed the lighter from Sophie's purse. Jess just shrugged his shoulders, not saying anything in response. "If you hate it here so much, why don't you just go home? School's out, no reason to stay in a town you hate."

"Hm," Jess nodded. "My mom didn't want me to. She never called," Jess told her.

"Oh," Cassie looked away, wishing she didn't know how he felt, but she did. Chris hasn't called them yet either, at least Lorelai never told her that he called. "Sorry..."

"Give me that and we can call it even," Jess said, holding his hand out for the lighter.

"Deal," She handed him the lighter as Sophie passed him the joint.

They both watched as he lit it, inhaling deeply, holding his breath, then exhaling. He repeated the process one more time before passing the joint to Sophie who eagerly took it. Just before she could put it to her lips the door to the inn opened and they all froze.

The three of them turned their heads as Dean walked out of the door. He turned, looking startled when he saw the group looking at him.

"Hey... what are you guys doing out here?" He asked but his eyes were only on Jess.

"Fresh air," Cassie answered, causing Dean's gaze to shift onto her instead of Jess. "You?"

"I was just checking on Clara," He told them.

"Then you better go do that."

Dean rolled his eyes but ultimately nodded his head. "Right," he said before walking away to where the horses were.

Sophie quickly brought the joint to her lips, now that Dean was gone. Cassie and Jess, however, were watching him.

"It's unfortunate that he's so pretty," Sophie commented, earning herself a grossed out look from Jess.

"But you don't even like-" before Cassie could finish her sentence Sophie kicked her leg, hard. "Ow. Wha- oh, sorry," she looked down, remembering the thing they didn't talk about with other people around. But of course Jess didn't care enough to question their weirdness.

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