Joro at home. 3 a.m.

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Today was a good day for Joro. In the morning he was awakened by the rays of the rising sun, which after a rather chilly night, were like a remedy for his slightly chilled body. Breakfast was no problem for him, literally materializing right in front of his eyes, and lunchtime meal he intended to eat out this time. So it seemed that the day would be much more gracious than the past, not fully slept night.

Taking advantage of the beautiful weather, full and rested after his morning nap, he spent most of this sunny day outside. The cloudless, starry sky spreading over Tokyo convinced Joro to spend the night outside this time, too.

After all, nothing foreshadowed what was about to happen around 3 a.m.

Huge raindrops hit the ground. Strong gusts of wind knocked Joro off on his feet, who almost immediately took the necessary steps to reach a dry, safe place. Using an open window in one of the ground-floor apartments, slipped inside unnoticed and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the room had ideal conditions for a frozen and drenched „guest".

The only source of light in this relatively small room was a street lamp, whose bright stream coming from behind slightly soiled lampshade, cast an eye-pleasing orange glow, scattering across the wooden panels.

Joro moved nimbly across the room. Living figure sleeping on the bed moved, forcing him to immediately flee to the farthest corner of the room. Stuck in stillnes, he waited for more clues that would help him decide his next steps.

Long, bright hair spread out in a wide fan on the snow-white pillow as the boy lying on it moved, laying his body on his back. Raising his eyelids slowly, he turned his sleepy gaze toward the potential source of the sound, and his heart nearly stopped when he saw the shining, coal-black eyes staring at him.

But that wasn't the worst part, it wasn't the eyes that made him panic.

Desperate, he grabbed the phone lying on the nightstand and with a trembling hand launched Line, where from his favorites list he selected the most appropriate contact in such a situation and immediately started the call.

- Ken-chin! - Mikey called out in a whisper as soon as a distinctive sound on the other end suggested answering the call.

On the phone receiver, he heard the rustling that would accompany the turning of his still sluggish body on the bed and waited impatiently for any sign of awareness from his friend.

- What's up Mikey? Do you realize what time it is? - The timbre of his voice betrayed that he was in the first phase of a slow awakening.

- You have to come here - he said, still whispering and not taking his eyes off the intruder in his room.

- Here...? It means where? - Mikey heard a vague question.

Mikey could have sworn that Ken-chin yawned.

- My place - he replied impatiently. - You must come here, Ken-chin - he repeated once again, almost pleadingly saying his name.

- You're starting to scare me. What's going on? - he asked much more counsciously.

- There's no time to explain. I don't know how long it'll stay in one place. What if it moves?

- ...Mikey...

- Just come, please - interrupted him, slowly losing his temper.

Every second counted and Ken-chin didn't seem to understand it. Isn't it obvious that if he didn't need him immediately, he'd wait until morning?

- ...Ok, I'll be there in 10 minutes.

- 5 - Mikey corrected him, not taking his eyes off the intruder still stuck in stillness.

Joro at home. 3 a.m. | Draken x MikeyWhere stories live. Discover now