Super Showdown Bowl

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Dr. Manhattan appeared in Lex Luthor's cell.

"Well, that took you long enough," Lex Luthor said from the Christopher Reeves Superman movies snappily. "I have had over 200 something characters to collect." the blue glowing human said, pulling out a long list. "You are literally the last on the list."

He pulled the paper away when it got wet. "The floor is wet," he said in confusion before a conclusion came to him and he looked to Lex. "I see you've been waiting a while."


Nightcrawler appeared with Master Yoda from Star Wars next to Professor X before Dr. Manhattan appeared with Lex Luthor who proceeded to vomit on Xavier's lap. The professor merely raised an eyebrow while the villain heaved.

"Why couldn't I go with the other blue guy?" he asked after recovering. "I would have paid extra for first class!"

"Is this everyone?" Professor X asked, using telekinesis to clean his pants.

"There are some people who still don't have their uniforms on," Nightcrawler replied. "Who?" Xavier asked. The blue mutant pulled out his list and read off the names. "There's Thor and Captain America."

"Captain them in here Immediate-ca, we don't have time for this!" Gamora from Guardians Of The Galaxy said impatiently.

"Hey!" Peter Quill/Star Lord exclaimed.

"Why did some of us wake naked and others fully clothed?" The Penguin from Batman Returns asked. Next to him, Negasonic Teenage Warhead from Deadpool 2 replied bluntly, "No body wants to see you naked."

 The First Godzilla didn't understand what relevance that had but he and his fellow Gojiran brethren were too enraged about what they were told mere moments ago after awakening.

Apparently they and these Heroes and Villains were created by a being named Oscar and were forced to fight to the death in gladiator fights. (Though from what Gojira understood, he and the other Gojirans wouldn't need to have much persuasion to fight.) When one of each warrior was left they'd fight until only one stood victorious. Oscar would than regenerate them all with no memories of before and the fights would begin again.

Like West World, one of the human heroes had said. John Wick? No, not him. Someone with a black fur coat from what Gojira could tell. Honestly there were a lot of people name John here that he couldn't keep track.

He didn't know what West World was, but he guessed that it had something to do with everyone possibly being robots. But the Terminators and the MechaGodzilla's were already robots to begin with.

How did they manage to break the cycle? one might ask. Actually, the woman Trinity from The Matrix franchise did ask that. 

It was thanks to the champion of the Super Hero Bowl. Dr. Manhattan. As the most frequent winner, he has had the truth revealed to him many times of the years, he explained. After years of practice, he managed to maintain his memories after each battle.

With his powers of precognition, the blue human foresaw events that will lead the present. Which was Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad winning the last Super Villain Bowl and Jean Grey from X-Men looking into her mind. This led to the blue human of Watchmen committing supercide in the last Hero Bowl as a diversion and then teleported to the nearest cell. He then went looking for the villain Thanos from Avengers Infinity War and tricked him into losing the Villain Bowl. And apparently, Thanos spent the three days in his cell, altering reality for entertainment and crocheting a Christmas sweater that said, "Universe's Greatest Dad."

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