Chapter 9

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"So, what happened this time ?" Lumine asked me with a wandering expression. "Why're you asking me, I thought you had eyes and ears all around the school." I pouted. 

"Are you mad at me ?" Lumine managed to cough up. 

"..." I turned my head away from her. "I'm sure Xiao gave you a lot to think about." Lumine started. I turned my head back around. "So you were listening in." I concluded bitterly. "Never you mind that, but still what did he ask ?" Lumine said as she lowered her head to meet my eyes. 

"He asked me to be around him more. So hat shall I do, Oh match maker, oh match maker" I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes at Lumine. "Hmm, then I say do it." Lumine said without much thought. "THAT'S THE THING, it's not like I don't want to spend time with him it's just-"

"You don't know how to ?" Lumine finished. "Ask him on a date." She concluded.

 "If only it were that easy- Wait, no, I don't want to, wait I do ?" Lumine had that annoying detective look on her face. "It works wonders for couples so why not for two friends with a twisted relationship ?" She ended. "Not sure what I can answer to that." I am dumbfounded, what on teyvat? 




The next day

We were outside the music room where the 6REEZE members were. I'm confused again why or when did I agree to this ???

Yesterday night

I crashed face first onto my bed, "Ah f-" I nearly swore as my waist landed on something hard. I felt around lazily, it was my phone. There was one unread message. 

A part of me hoped it would be Scaramouche, but alas it was from Lumine.


Lumine: What are you gonna do about Xiao ?                                                                             

                                                                              Well I thought about your Idea: Y/N

Lumine: Uh huh so what's your answer :3

                                                                                                       How do I ask him ?: Y/N

Lumine: I'll do my best to help but the                                                           only thing I can say right now is find him and ask him.

                                                                                                I ask him at at school ?:Y/N

Lumine: Where else ?                       

         Good point but anyways he'll most like be with his friends right ?:Y/N

Lumine: wHAt fRiEnDS ??

Y/N went offline


"Really Lumine ?" I sighed to myself.  

Present moment

I only realize now Lumine dodged my question. How am I supposed to ask him ?? Honestly none of my options are any good. 

1. 'Hey Xiao let's go on a date !

2. 'Uhm, Xiao I like you and want to fix our twisted nonfunctional relationship, so go out with me !'

3. Run away and merge with the floor.

My train of thoughts was cut off when Lumine started pushing my back throguh the door. "OPTION 3, OPTION 3!-" I was cut off again when I found myself in the music room. 

To my surprise Xiao was there by himself. I tried holding back a laugh when I remembered Lumine's text. 'WHat fRiEnDS ??' 

"Y/N ? Do you need something ?" Xiao said fondly. "Xiao ! I- uhm! Hello ! Good morning." My knees felt like they were gonna break. "Morning." The teal haired boy said with a smile. "Do you wanna- go out with me, to the... Parfait shop around the corner after school ?" I asked. 

I covered my mouth in shock that came out clean!?!?! Shock ! Flabbergasted !!(Legit my reaction when I confessed.) "Sure." Xiao answered. He rested his head on one hand, he was in thought about something. 

In his hand was a notebook. "Are you actually- struggling with something ?" I KNEW IT, I JINXED IT- IT WAS TOO GOOD TO LAST. Xiao leaned his shoulder closer to me so I could see the book.

Inside was a heart carefully shaded with charcoal, the heart was framed with mini roses and butterflies. He closed the book with a slam. His face went all shades of red crimson and vermillion. 

Why do I feel like he just gave a pick up line and didn't have the courage to finish it ? "For art class ?" I quickly said. He nodded. "I like it, you're doing great." I cheered. No reply though I couldn't see his face I could tell that he was embarrassed. 

"Hey~~ Why won't you look at me~~?" I teased as I moved closer to him to see what buttons I could push. He covered his mouth in embarrassment. "Okay then I'll leave you alone." I said as I patted his head. 

Wait- It's soft... He nodded as I continued to ruffle his hair. He turned his back at me with a concerned glance. 


"Cat ?"

I rushed to the door without another word, pushed the door open. (Carefully closed it ofc) then rushed to Lumine who was waiting for me. 

I nearly knocked her over. "I take it you said something you shouldn't have." Lumine said as she staggered back up. I looked up at her almost tearing. 

She opened her arms I rushed into them. "It's not my fault he just looks like a cat, a really hot one..." I pouted as I wiped my tears into Lumine's shoulder. "Hey, I mean at least you told you him-" Lumine was interrupted by my loud sniffle. 

"Good luck." Lumine said, then she dashed down the hall.


Sorry if this chapter is all over the place, I'm still trying my best !!

𝓥𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓭 //𝟧𝓌𝒾𝓇𝓁 𝓍 𝒻!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 (HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now