Chapter 5.

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I woke up when I woke up Heizou wasn't beside me. I looked at the time then I realized: it was 6:30 in the morning. Out of pure habit, I just grabed my uniform out of my bag then changed on the spot. I opened the door, then rushed down the hall, can you guess what happens to me every time I run down a hallways really fast. Ironically it was the self proclaimed detective that I bumped into this time. I put my hand on my nose to see if it was made of stone yet. 

"Think fast~" Heizou said. I looked up He threw a piece of toast at me. Like the quick reflexed Ninja I am (I'm not) I caught it. 

"Ready to go ?" Heizou called. "Mhm~!" I said still with a piece of bread in my mouth. Heizou grabbed his bag and we both rushed out the door. I turned backwards. "Last one there is a rotten egg !!" I teased. Before I could turn around. FREAKING GUESS.

"Watch it." I ran into a guy in the same high school uniform as me, he had dark purple hair with violet highlights styled in sort of a bowl cut. "Scaramouche ?" Heizou called from behind me. "I never thought I'd see you coming this late." Heizou said teasingly not sure but there was the slightest bit of anger in his voice. "Same with you." Scaramouche answered shooting me a cold glare. "Well council members have an early start today so I don't exactly have time for chit chat" Scaramouche said as he turned his back to us.

"Wait student council had a meeting... I COMPLETELY FORGOT, Heizou I have to go now. I'm really sorry. Thanks for letting me stay at your place !!!" I said as I ran to school. 

I opened the council door. I saw Lumine, Xingxiu, Keqing, Jean and Ganyu waiting. "I am so sorry I'm late." I said still trying to catch my breath. "Oh my are you alright ?" Ganyu said as she helped me up. "We saw you running straight to school" Jean said wearily. "I'm honestly surprised you're still able to stand." I heard a voice say from behind me. I looked behind me in was Cyno ! "We did paper scissors rock to see who would chase after you this time. Lucky Cyno here lost the game." Lumine said blankly. 

Cyno is also a really good student, he has perfect grades and he's pretty to top it all off. "Anyways did you catch Scaramouche ?" Xingxiu asked. "I think I passed him on the way here." I said. "Good so that means we can start-"

"Without me ?" Scaramouche said as he stepped through the door. "What took you so long ?" Cyno asked. "I had to help Heizou to the nurses office because he tripped trying to chaseafter a certain someone." Scaramouche replied as he shot another glare at me. Geez what is this the third glare I've gotten ? Second ? "Anyways, we should stop messing around. We have to start talking about the upcoming camp." Jean said as she gave me a stack of neatly organized paper work. "Y/N you're on activities this year." She said. She assigned each of us with a designated part to play. 

"Meeting Adjourned." Xingxiu said happily. He always finds joy saying that, it's kinda funny how his face goes to a face sort of like one when a little kid gets their favorite ice cream. I stepped out of the room. I looked back down at the stack of sheets I was holding in my hand. I wasn't that much but it was still alot. 

"Need any help ?" Cyno said from beside me. I've known Cyno since grade school, and he's helped me out with a lot of things. "No, just wondering you're on budget this year right ?" I asked him. "Yep." He answered back. "I was on budget for the last year of middle school so if you need anything just feel free to ask." I said as I freed one hand to pat his head. "I'll be sure to." Cyno said back. 

This day is going unusually well I didn't bump into anybody... yet. "Boo." Lumine jumped out from the corner infront of me. "Not falling for it this time." I said as I somehow managed to keep it cool. "So what's up with you and Cyno ?" She asked. "Nothing it's not like that between us ! He's just cute that's all.." OH FRICK, I completely forgot we haven't passed Cyno's class yet, that means... He's still beside me. "CYNO ! I didn't mean it like that ! It's like a uhm teddy bear !! Yeah! in like a little brother way not-" Cyno planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you later" He said as he went to his class. 

"Oo~ la la~" Lumine said teasingly. "LUMINE, ERASE WHAT YOU JUST SAW FROM YOUR EYES!!" I yelled. Luckily not many people were around so I'm safe so far. "I'm telling everyone in our class." She said as she averted eye contact but still had a cheeky look on her face. "I swear I will end your life by telling code childe that you like him." I said blankly. Now I had her attention. "Do it and I'll tell Mr 'only childhood friend' over there that you like him.

"Ojou~chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~~" a voice came from across the corner. "Look what you've done now." Lumine said bitterly. "Oh well I didn't want to run anymore than I had to today but.." I grabbed Lumine's hand then made a break for it.

"Did you guys stop to help the elderly across a road or something." I look up from my crouched stance as we got back from running across the halls to get to the classroom.  "It's you." I said bitterly as I returned the glares I got from him earlier today. "'S'cuse me ?" He said almost as if he was offended.

 "Oh, what's wrong did I hurt your stone cold feelings by saying 'it's you'? Huh? I offer my sincerest apologies your majesty (Sarcastically)" is what I would say but... There are people in the class aside from him. "Were you waiting for us or." I said impatiently maybe the slightest bit of fed up in my voice ? "You, actually." He said. Was not expecting that truthfully. "Okay...?" I said just a bit unsure. "C'mon." Scaramouche said as he pulled my hand. 

He pulled me outside the classroom. "Here." he said as he passed me a stack of paper work. "So you're forcing your work onto me ?" I said as I took the neatly stacked pile. "Of course not. You obviously don't think much of me do you ? Anyways Jean must've got something wrong. I got the activities sheet." He said as he took the pile jean gave to me off me. "-and you got date arrangement just as I thought."  He muttered under his breath as he inspected the pile I got. 

"Oh, I guess we shouldn't to much pressure on Jean, she's far too overworked as is." I said jokingly. "Heh, you're right." He answered back.  Scaramouche turned around and said "I'll be going now, that's all I wanted to say-" 

"Wait." I said as I tugged his sleeve. "What." 

"Can we be friends ?" WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL HAVE I DONE ? The words just rolled off my tongue. I looked at Scaramouche to see if he heard it or not. From the looks of it he did. 

"Mm, Sure. Do you want my number ?" He answered. "Really !?! Uhm sure I guess !"

I went back to class and so did my new found 'friend'. 

"You look awfully happy today." Lumine observed. "Reaaally ~~?" I answered back. "Well  something good happened I guess~." I continued.

"Ahaha Well good for you."

𝓥𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓭 //𝟧𝓌𝒾𝓇𝓁 𝓍 𝒻!𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 (Hiatusحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن