Chapter 01.10

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Chapter 1 Amnesia?

who I am?

where am I?

what happened?

Ji Qiqi's mind is filled with three major philosophical questions in life.

She was born in the Magic Continent. When she was a baby, she was picked up from the wild and raised by the old man. She not only possessed all kinds of magical talents, but also had extremely high talents. She even reached the state of demigod in just twenty years of life .

But she also stops there.

For three full years, she and the old man tried various methods but could not improve again, so the two thought of another possibility, which was to learn the only thing she hadn't learned - dark magic.

But dark magic is called a forbidden technique in the Magic Continent, and there are only a few places such as the church. At that time, Ji Qiqi used her light magic talent to sneak into the church and successfully obtained the dark magic book. She was planning to come again Run away, go back and study the dark magic book with the old man.

But she didn't know where she made a mistake, the people of the church suddenly discovered that she had taken the dark magic book, she was instantly labeled a traitor, and was hunted down by the people of the church.

As one of the forces with the deepest roots in the Magic Continent, the church is not without demigod-level powerhouses, and they have too many artifacts in their hands, and they are like dog-skin plasters that cannot be shaken off. No matter how Ji Qiqi runs, how to eliminate himself traces will be found.

This time is the sixth month since she fled, and it is also the ninety-eighth time she has been hunted down. Three demigods and thirteen peak magisters have besieged her with artifacts, and her resources have been depleting. , and there was no time to add, so in the end, she could only detonate the forbidden technique and tear the space scroll at the same time, but she should have escaped smoothly, what is she doing now...

"Hello, young lady, what character is your cosplaying? You're so pretty, can I take a photo with you?" A girl with two furry cat ears on her head and long white legs in a fluffy skirt looked at Ji Qiqi with eyes full of anticipation.

The girl in a black chivalrous costume next to her: "..."

She explained to her friend: "I'm sorry, my friend didn't mean anything malicious, she just... likes you. It doesn't matter if you don't want to take pictures, we won't force it."


shoot to find?

This kind of unfamiliar words made Ji Qiqi even more confused, she looked at the two girls in front of her, especially stayed on the girl with hairy ears for a while longer.

She has a pure human breath, so these are fake ears?

Why do humans pretend to be orcs?

Ji Qiqi looked around and could only see strange standing signs and many ordinary humans in strange clothes.

Yes, ordinary people.

There is no magic fluctuation on his body, he is not a magician, his body looks very weak, and he is not a swordsman.

"Miss sister?" The cat-eared girl waved her hand in front of Ji Qiqi, calling her tentatively.

"Yeah." Ji Qiqi finished looking at it, vaguely felt that something was wrong here, no matter where it was, it was like... a different world.

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