Chapter 16

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Robb has invited the bannermen of house Stark to Winterfell so they're having a feast with them.  Gabrielle sits next to Robb for her Aunt's place as Lady Stark.  

"For 30 years i've been making corpses out of men, boy.  I'm the man you want leading the vanguard. "   Lord Umber tells Robb.  Gabrielle knows that isn't the plan.  

"Galbart Glover will lead the van."  Robb answers.  Lord Umber doesn't like that.  "The wall will bloody melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover.   I will lead the wan or i will take my men and march back home."    "You're welcome to do so, Lord Umber.  And when i am done with the Lannisters, i will march back North, root you out of your keep and hang you for an oathbreaker."  Robb answers him. 

Now Lord Umber is furious and stands up harshly.  "Oathbreaker, is it? I'll not sit here and swallow insults from a boy so green he pisses grass."   Just as he is about to take up his sword but Robb's direwolf gets up on the table and jump on him and knock him off his feet and bites off two of his fingers.  Gabrielle looks shocked at the scene.  

"My lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your liege-lord. But doubtless the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me"  Robb speaks as Lord Umber stands up. 

Lord Umber kicks his chair off to the wall.  "Your meat..."  Everyone waiting what he is going to say.  Lord Umber smiles.  "It's bloody tough."   And everyone starts to laugh.  Gabrielle chuckles shaking her head.  

They were now leaving but Gabrielle wanted to say goodbye to Bran before they left.  Robb had tried to have her staying but there was no use, She was going.  

Gabrielle walks into Bran's room and sees he's already sleeping.  She sits down on the bed and shakes him lightly.  Startled Bran wakes up.  "What is it, What has happened."  "Shh. It's alright. Gabrielle tells him.  Bran looks at her and sees that she has her cloak on.  "Where are you going?"   She smiles.  "South, For your father with your brother."   He is confused.  "But it's in the middle of the night."   "The lannisters have spies everywhere.  It's safer this way."    

"They have more than we do."  Bran tells her.  She nods. "They do."  Bran sits up. "Can't i come with you?  I can ride now, you've seen me riding.  And i won't get in the way, i..."   Gabrielle shakes her head.  "No, you're too young and besides there must always be a Stark in Winterfell. And you are not to leave the castle walls until we return, you understand?"   Bran nods.  "Listen to Maester Luwin, take care of your little brother."   Bran nods.  "I will."   "Both me and Robb will send letters when we can and if you don't hear from us, don't be scared."    Gabrielle kisses him on the forehead.   She pulls away and smiles.  "Until i return."  She stands up from the bed and walks out.  


They have now arrived to their camp.  Gabrielle is in one of the tents with Robb and Theon and some of the bannermen.  

"The river lords are falling back with Jaime lannister at their heels.  Lord Twyin is bringing out a second Lannister army from the south.  Out scouts confirms it's even larger than the kingslayer's."  Robb tells them.  "One or two.  The kings in the north threw back hosts ten times as large."  Lord Umber answers back.  Right after he stands up as if he's someone important.  Both Gabrielle and Robb turn around and sees Catelyn.   Robb has a big smile on her face but Gabrielle could feel her blood boil before her aunt could say anything Gabrielle storms off.  

Catelyn turns to her son confused why her beloved niece stormed off.  "What is it with Gabrielle?" Robb looks at her mother.  "Do you know?"  Catelyn is confused.  "Know what?"   Robb turns to the men.  "Leave us, i want to speak with my mother alone."  The bannermen and Theon walks out.   Robb and Catelyn sits down.   "Tell me."   Robb sighes.  "As we found out about father's arrest.  We got the news that Arina had been butchered."   Catelyn looks at her son with tears in her eyes.  "What?"  Robb nods.  "Scouts confirmed that she died protecting Sansa."  Catelyn wipes her face off.  "Not only they capture my husband but kill my sister?"  Robb sighes and nods.  "But i still don't understand why Gabrielle stormed off.  Robb is hestistant at first but then sighes.  "She blames you for it."   Catelyn relaises and sighes.  


Kiara is in her chambers when she hears footsteps, she takes up a knife a dagger ready to strike as she turns around.  "Careful!  Are you really gonna cut your favorite uncle."  Tyrion says smiling.  Kiara gasps and lets go of the knife and pulls him into a hug.  "I've missed you."  Tyrion smiles.  "I've missed you too."  Kiara pulls away.  "I thought you were dead."   Tyrion smiles.  "Well i'm not."   Kiara smiles but sees something is on his mind.  "What's wrong."  Tyrion looks at her.  "My father wants to see you."   She scoffs.  "Why?  He hates me."   Tyrion smiles. "Well we have that in common.  Come on and it will go quicker."   Kiara sighes "Fine."  And follows her uncle out.  What does her Grandfather want?  

Kiara comes to her father's main tent.  He's sitting by his desk.  He watches as she walks in.  "Kiara."  She curtsies.  "M'lord."   She had never called him grandfather in her entire life and she knew he didn't want her to either.  "You wanted to see me, m'lord."   He nods. "Yes, Kiara. We are moving onto a battle soon so i need you to stay in your tent at all times.  You might be a bastard but you're the daughter of my oldest son and for our enemies you're valuable.  Is that understood."   Kiara nods. "Yes, m'lord."   He nods.  "Very well, you can go back to your tent."  She curtises and walks out, back to her tent.  


Gabrielle is in her tent and she haven't spoken a word to her aunt since she got here.  Looking at her just reminds her of that she's the reason why her mom stayed in King's landing.  The entrance of her tent  opens, she turns around and sees none other than her aunt.  She sighes.  "I don't wanna see you right now."   Catelyn sighes.  "Gabrielle, please let us talk."  Gabrielle stands up and looks at her with tears in her eyes.  "Why? There is nothing to talk about.  She's dead and she's never coming back and that's your fault."    "I didn't know and if i could have i would have never.."  Gabrielle cuts her off before she can finish.  "It doesn't matter.  She's dead because you told her to stay in King's landing and because of that choice i'm an orphan. So there is nothing you can say to me that will change my mind, so please leave."   Catelyn sighes.  "Fine but don't forget how much i loved your mother and i will do everything in my power to protect you because i love you too."  With that Catelyn walks out.  Gabrielle has tears streaming down her face.  

Gabrielle is with Robb and his bannermen on the mission to rescue Ned.  Gabrielle blames her aunt for her mother's death.  Kiara and Tyrion are reunited.  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts.  

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