Chapter 9

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They're now riding to their next stop, they're riding through some wood terrain.  

Sireya is riding between Daenerys and Jorah.  He really made her feel safe.  

"Do the dothraki buy their slaves?"  Daenerys asks Jorah. 

"The dothraki don't believe in money.  Most of their slaves were given as gifts."  Jorah tells them. 

Sireya cuts in.  "From who?"  She has never understood the need of slaves, for her it has always felt wrong.  In her family home most of her servants were slaves but she always treated them good. 

"If you rule a city and you see the horde approaching, you have two choices.  Pay tribute or fight. An easy choice for must."  Jorah tells them. 

Sireya thinks back to her father and what he would do. He would fight, he is a stubborn man who wouldn't give anything without getting something in return. A true business man.  

"But sometimes it's not enough.  Sometimes the khal feels insulted by the number of slaves he's given.   He might think the men too weak or the women too ugly.  Sometimes a khal decides his riders haven't had a good fight in months and need the practice."  Jorah continues. 

They hear a slave getting beaten.  Daenerys sighes "Tell them to stop."

Both Jorah and Sireya looks at her.  "You want the entire horde to stop, for how long?" He asks her. 

Daenerys looks at them "Until i command them otherwise."  Hearing that makes Sireya smile, that her friend is starting to take her rightful place.  

Jorah nods "You're learning to talk like a queen"  

Daenerys shakes her head.  "Not a queen, a khaleesi."  Sireya is so proud.  

Daenerys jumps down from her horse and Sireya jumps down from hers to follow her.  

They walk into the woods, it's real fresh air.  Sireya turns to her and smiles.  

"It's nice isn't?"  Daenerys smiles and nods.  But then they hear someone coming and Sireya think she knows who it is. 

Viserys gallops into the woods with his horse.  He's angry.  

"You dare! You give commands to me! To me?"  He shouts at his sister and jumps down from sister.  

Viserys runs up to Dany and take a hold of her throat, Sireya feels frozen, there is nothing she can do. 

"You do not command the dragon.  I am lord of the seven kingdoms.  I don't take orders savages and their sluts."  He tells his sister, Sireya is terrified. 

Viserys then pulls away from his sister but takes a hold of Sireya and put his sword against her throat.  "Do you hear me?"  He tells his sister.  

Sireya has never felt so scared in her life and Viserys has terroised her for years but this was on a new level.  He was really losing it.  

But then one of the dothraki men takes his whip around Viserys throat to pull him away from Sireya and Daenerys.  

Daenerys pulls Sireya close to her but she is shocked to see her brother being strangled. 

The dothraki man speaks in Dothraki to them.   They don't really understand. 

"Rakharo asks if you want him dead, khaleesi?"  Irri translates. 

"No!"  Daenerys shouts.  Sireya looks at Viserys laying there, thinking how nice it would be to let him die.

Rakharo speaks again and Irri translates. "Rakharo say you should take tear, to teach respect."

"Please, please don't hurt him." Daenerys pleads to them.  Sireya felt the chance of Viserys being dead slipping away.  She could feel his sword against her throat all over again.  

Jorah looks at Daenerys like are you sure? And i don't think she is but he is her brother.

"Tell him i don't want my brother harmed."  She tells  Irri who tells Rakharo.  

He is hesitsant but he let Viserys go.  Seeing him laying on the ground breathing heavily was satisifying enough for Sireya, for now.  

"Mormont!  Kill these Dothraki dogs."  Viserys yells at Jorah.  

Jorah doesn't say anything which makes Viserys even more furious.  

"I am your king!"  He screams.  But Jorah turns his attention to Daenerys and Sireya. 

"Shall we return to the khalasar, khaleesi?"  He asks Daenerys.  

Daenerys nods and takes Sireya's hand because she knows she's scared.  

Jorah jumps down to help Sireya onto her horse, he can see that she's shaken.  

"Thank you."  She whispers.  He nods and walks back to his horse and they ride off and leave Viserys on his own.  


They were now back at camp.  Sireya, was in her tent.  She was feeling so exhausted after the ordeal with Viserys.   He has been raping her for four years but she never thought he would lost it so that he would threaten to kill her.  

"It's Dany, can i come in?"  She hear her friend's voice from outside the tent.  

She smiles "Of course."  Daenerys come in, she walks up to her friend.  

"Are you alright?" She asks, she's been worried for Sireya.  

Sireya nods "I'm fine."   In truth she wasn't sure how she felt.  

Dany takes her hands in her own. "I feel really that i couldn't do anything more.  You know how he is."

Sireya nods "Yes, i know."  

Dany smiles "You know i love you, right? You're my best friend."  

Sireya smiles "Of course.  I love you too and you're my best friend too."

Dany takes a deep breath.  "Good... I have something to tell you, really good news."

Sireya is interested.  "What is it?"  She couldn't imagine what it could be. 

"Well... I'm pregnant."  Dany tells her.  That Sireya is shocked is an understatement. 

"What? You're pregnant?"  This is not the news that she expected.  

"Yes.  Are you happy?"  She wants Sireya to be happy.  

Sireya laughs and pulls Dany into a hug "Of course i am.  I am so happy for you."

Dany pulls away "Good because i want you to be the child's godmother."

Sireya is shocked "Really?" 

Dany nods "There is no one i trust more than you."

Sireya smiles and pulls Dany into a hug.  Her best friend was having a baby.  

I love Sireya so much, she deserves better.  Daenerys is pregnant!  I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts. 

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