"I know."he said smirking
"The melody was mine. It just surprised me how well your song matched my melody. Who thought you this song?"

"I honestly don't know. I just started singing because I felt like it"

"I see. What are you doing here. You know it's dangerous for a beautiful mortal to be out here"he said with an evil smirk

"You are the one who shouldn't be here! This is Artemi's territory. Men have no place here!"

"bhahahahha" the man laughed hysterically
"you have quite the attitude for a mare mortal. You should be careful with your tone"
This man gets on my nerves. What a waste of looks for such a shity personality. I won't sit here with him any longer

"I'm going back to the temple"

"Don't move!" he said and I felt paralyzed. No matter how much I tried I couldn't move.

"W-what did -"
He move his finger in a circle and I turn around. This man... Was he a God?

"You want to leave? You haven't even told me your name"

"Let me go first"
He snapped his finger and I was free again

"Now tell me your name"

He paused for a moment

"Y/n... Pretty name. I like it"

After some moments of awkward silence he spoke

" Are you one of Artemi's hunters?"

"Kinda. She took me under her protection but I hadn't been officially announced as one."

"How bizarre.."

"What do you mean?"

"nothing.. I have to go now, see you soon"

"wait, you haven't told me your name yet!"
He ignored me and continued walking till he complete disappeared and then I heard familiar voices calling my name

"I'M HERE" I yelled back
My sisters came running to me and hug me then Artemis.

"Where were you! I was so worried"
I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry. I lost track of time" for some reason something told me to not mention the weird stranger

"it's okay. Just don't do it again. You must always stay close to your sisters"
She said and I felt like a child that had been scolded by her mother

"are you hurt? Did anything happened? She said checking me head too toes.

" Nothing, I'm totally fine "

"okay then. It's been a long day. Let's head back everyone"
We went back to the temple and my sisters went to their champers where they slept together.
I was sleeping next to the Goddess room. Before I close the door to my room I asked her.

"Why I don't sleep with the others?"
She seemed surprised by my question

"Because you haven't been officially announced as my hunter" she said emphasizing the my

"why does it takes so long to become one"
She gave me a tired smile and said
"if you become one then you will never be able to return home. Even though I want that, I respect your desire go back to your reality "


"Also, you must know it by now. You have felt it, haven't you? That fact that I treat you different from my sisters. I can't see you like one."


"I can't imagine you, being just my sister" she said stroking my cheek

"......." I wasn't sure what to say

"Goodnight my dear. See you tomorrow"

"goodnight..." I said feeling my cheeks red . I closed the door and fell into my bed. What a day! Did Artemis just confessed her feelings to me? Oh my! But why my mind is stuck on that annoying stranger. Why can't I stop thinking about him! This is.. Too much!
Little did you know that a God, a very jealous God, was watching from a tree? That's right Apollo from the moment he heard you singing and saw you, couldn't stop thinking about you!
Your eyes , your hair, your smile, your voice, it reminded a lot of him. Hycanith. He saw that as a sign from fate. That you could be his lucky chance at love. Even though it's been a really long time since his death and he still couldn't get over it, you came into his life, into his heart. When you told him that Artemis hasn't officially made you a hunter, he immediately knew that she doesn't intent to make you one for her own selfish reasons. Now that he saw this scene and he was correct, jealousy and anger was all over him! He knew his lack with his lovers but you were different, he wanted you for himself and only. He finally wanted a wife by his side. He wanted to be a different husband than his father. He wanted to try and if it weren't with you then he didn't want to be with anyone else. He would make you his. Of course the God of the sun had already a plan on his mind and he was willing to fight everyone and everything to have you
Soon my love, soon we will be together for ever! Just be patient and wait for me

Another chapter came to an end... I hope you enjoy it! See you soon!

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