chapter 1: Pondering

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Pezzy looks himself in the mirror loving the feeling, he loves the way he looks in the costume and he's never felt that way before. He debates on whether he should order feminine outfits. Until he hears a knock on the door. It's droid. Thankfully he remembered to lock his door before he put it on. Droid said "hey pezzy, you wanna get doordash..oh shi why is the door locked?...Pezzy are you okay? I'm not interrupting something right?!" Pezzy quickly scrambled a hoodie and sweatpants over the nun costume before opening the door.

"Sorry I just was changing..uh I spilled water on me. But yeah sure we can get some doordash.." he hurriedly said. Droid looked at him with a concerned face, "are you sure you weren't doing anything else??" Pezzy laughs, "yes droid nothing else. Now, are we gonna order food or what?" "Alright alright, just making about pizza?"

Pezzy was glad he didn't keep pushing it, he didn't know what other excuse he could've made. The sad thing was it wasn't the last time droid almost walked in on him.

It was the 5th time where he decided he should just stop and instead actually order clothes instead of a skimpy nun costume. Pezzy was just debating on if he should truly go through with getting a skirt or a tight compression shirt. He liked the way the top of the nun costume was tight on his chest instead of loose and not showing his frame. He decided to take photos of himself in the mirror that was hanging in the corner of his room, before he could even take the photo, droid came in.

"Hey pezzy have you seen my charger? I think I left it besides your bed...oh.. you're wearing the costume again?" He could feel the goosebumps on his bare arms and shade of red that made it's way across his face, as he saw droid looking him up and down. He quickly covered his bulge so he wasn't as exposed to droid, only making droid to look and quickly avoid the attention that was given to his crouch.
"Uh yeah...umm I lost a puffer.. yeah he told me I had to wear this for the whole day." Pezzy was awkwardly trying not to cower over and ball up, he didn't want droid to know he liked this or how he loved the attention droid was giving to his body.

Pezzy was trying to avoid eye contact with him and instead try to find his charger. "Huh..seems like something puffer would say. Uh besides that, do you see my charger anywhere?" Droid was trying to not look so hard, but its difficult when pezzy has his gorgeous body out of his usual hoodie and sweatpants. He couldn't help but gulp when he saw how pezzy got on his knees to look around the floor of his bed.

"Droid are you sure your charger is here? I don't see it anywhere." Droid tried to quickly refocus and place his attention somewhere else besides pezzy's ass. "Yeah uh..I was pretty sure I left it here the last time I hung out in your room." Droid was now also trying to find his charger, while still keeping an eye on pezzy. Pezzy eventually found the charger while droid was talking but didn't want to move and wanted to live in the stare he felt from droid.

But his legs were getting tired so it was time for him to get up. "Here droid I found it. Sorry for..exposing so much skin to your pure virgin eyes." Pezzy laughs at his own teasing and watches as droid laughs while snatching the charger from him. "Haha well maybe if you'd wear that more often my eyes wouldn't be so pure.. plus you look good in it so might as well" droid winks and watches as the red on pezzy's face is even darker. "Now hold come on you can't be serious?!" Pezzy nervously laughs but man his heart is doing flips, he can't think straight (literally) and he's tripping over his words.

Droid just continues to compliment him and tease him, he can't stop himself from loving the flustered look of pezzy, he should've done this a while ago. "Seriously wear it more often around the house, I wouldn't be complaining if I saw that ass everyday." Droid laughs at the contoured face pezzy made and the blush flushing even more than before. "Shut up! I'm not gonna wear this ever again if you continue talking droid" pezzy's heart was beating in such a fast pace, he didn't know if it would ever calm down. "Heh okay but I'm serious you look really good!" "Okay sure! Can you get out now?!" Pezzy needed to calm down before he would get a heartache. "Okay cutie!" Droids second wink could've killed him right then and there but thankfully he left beforehand.
Pezzy couldn't help but feel so lost and confused. "God what am I gonna do with myself?" He'd rather just sleep it off for now instead of staying up late contemplating..

To be continued..maybe
I hope you enjoyed it, don't be afraid to give criticism I'll be glad to hear feedback! :)

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