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Even though school was over for the rest of the night, Yui stayed in the classroom to finish her homework as quickly as she can before one of the Sakamaki brothers came to get her.

Yui wrote as fast as she can across the math problems thinking to herself, 'I must finish this, otherwise, I won't be able to finish this at home if one of the brothers wants to suck my blood.' She shivered at the the thought as she remembered the feeling of their fangs piercing her neck.

When something tapped her shoulder, she flinched and nearly jumped out of her seat as she turned her head so fast that she almost had a whiplash, but sighed in relief when she saw that it was Ichiru Kurosaki.

Yui placed a hand on her rapidly beating heart as she looked at Ichiru's surprised and dumbfounded face for getting such a reaction, "Sorry, thought you were someone else. You were so silent I didn't hear you." Yui said as soon as she calmed down then looked down at her work to see that she was just about done.

Ichiru chuckled lightly, "It's okay, I get that alot." The she frowned in confusion as she looked at Yui doing her homework in class, even though school ended, "Although I did call your name to ask you a question, but you didn't seem to notice." she said as she surveyed Yui's work to see her struggle with the last problem.

Yui looked up and then looked back down, wanting to get her work done very soon, "I'm really sorry, I was just so lost in thought trying to figure this last problem out, but it's just way over my head." She stressfully said as she placed a hand to her forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

Ichiru stared at the problem, then fished a piece of paper out of her bag and placed it on the table in front of Yui, making her look up at her in surprise before Ichiru explained, "I had a issues with this type of problem at my old school, but these notes should help you along the way with your situation." she said smiling at Yui's surprised expression.

Yui almost didn't know what to say as she looked at the well detailed notes and definitions and at Ichiru, "Thank you so much, this is really helpful. This will definitely help me out for sure, thank you." She said gratefully as she gathered her stuff together and packed them all in her bag.

She then realized something, "I'm very sorry, but forgot to introduce myself," she stuck her hand out, "I'm Yui Komori."

Ichiru smiled warmly as she shook the young girl's hand, "Ichiru Kurosaki, and there's no need to thank me, I'm just happy to help out a fellow student in need." She let go of Yui's hand then remembered, "That reminds me, do you know where our math teacher is? I need him to check over one of the sample problems we did in class over fractions." Ichiru explained looking around the classroom for the teacher.

Yui shook her head standing up from her desk saying, "He had to go to a teachers meeting, he won't be available until tomorrow's class." Ichiru sighed in disappointment, "Well that's a shame, I really want to stay on top of my work so that I won't have to worry or be stressed out down the line." She said as the two of them walked out together without realizing it.

Yui nodded, "I know what you mean." she looked at Ichiru before saying, "Forgive my curiosity, but what made you come all the way here from Karakura Town?" she has been intrigued by this strange woman ever since she came here.

Ichiru answered, "Forgiveness is not needed, I came here because I had a job to do here. Since my job is usually during daylight, I was applied here because my boss recommended it." she explained as they walked together.

Yui became even more curious, "What job do you do, if you don't mind me asking."

Ichiru replied, "I exterminate pests." which is partly true.

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