The Oni

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The journey took nearly a week. Three travelers accompanied me. They had experience in traveling toward the Oni's territory. They had even met a few of them before, I asked them about the Oni but they wouldn't tell me anything other than what I already knew. During our journey, we even spotted a dragon. I had never seen a dragon before so I asked the travelers about them and they told me about them. Dragons were a creature of creation, the legend says that they even can travel between realms. The one thing that kept me distracted from where I was going was the travelers, they seemed to understand how hard this must be for me so they tried their best to make me think about something else. This worked until we stood outside the gates of the Oni.

"This is where we have to leave you", one of the three travelers said, "Good luck."

It looked like they were going to say something else but the gates began to move behind me so they turned around and ran away. I wondered if they actually had met an Oni. I turned towards the door and prepared myself to meet the Oni. There was almost no light shining from inside the gates, only a weak light came from some kind of purple fire. If it weren't for that purple fire I wouldn't have seen them. A group of Onis stood in front of me in the dark. They had glowing purple eyes, their skin was completely black with white tattoos, they were clothed in black clothes with white patterns, and on top of their heads were horns. The Oni's presence made me feel like giving up, I just wanted to lie down on the ground and lie there until I died.

"Are you the one?", the Oni in front asked with a distorted voice, "Are you the child of Oni and Dragon?" it felt like their gazes saw right through me. Then I remembered something that the travelers had told me, "The Oni only respects one thing and that is strength."

"Yes, I am", I said trying to keep my voice steady. The Oni who seemed to be the leader looked at me without saying a word. He is searching for weakness I realized. I kept looking him in the eyes.

"Bring him to Omega.", he finally said, "He is the one he claims to be."

I slowly breathed out in relief and followed them when they turned around. The hall was filled with Oni, when they all spoke with their distorted voices it sounded like growling. When I passed them the closest ones stopped talking in order to look at me.

Soon we entered a new room, it was circular we a podium on the other end of the room. There were two stairs leading up to the podium, one on both sides. Along the walls, there were benches at different heights for the audience. It was completely silent in this room even though the benches were filled with Onis. The only empty place was on the podium in front of me. We stopped in the middle of the room facing toward the podium. Everyone was looking towards it, we seemed to be waiting for someone. When I looked up at the podium again I saw it. It was like the darkness was taking a form and slowly it began to look like an Oni. When he became solid I realized that this must be the leader. His horns were bigger than everybody else's, he had a black mantle and a big staff that seemed to be made of some dark wood.

"Are you the One?", he asked, "Are you the son of Oni and Dragon?", his voice was distorted, you could barely hear what he said. His gaze was also stronger, I knew that he saw right through my entire being.

I was getting annoyed, I had traveled for a week, I was tired and hungry, and all they could ask me was if I was the one! I didn't even know that there was anything special about me since a week ago. "My name is Heiko!", I said angrily, "Who might you be?" My answer made the entire audience begin to hiss at me until the leader hit his staff on the ground. The sound made everybody go quiet in an instant.

"I am Omega, leader of the Oni", he said with an almost impressed voice, "And you are not Heiko.", he said. I was too shocked to answer, I mean, of course I was. My name was Heiko! Before I could answer Omega continued, "An Oni gets his name from his actions.", the audience growled in agreeance, "You are an Oni, but you have no name until  your actions give you one!"

One of the Oni who escorted me leaned forward and whispered to me, "Apologise, you have to show respect towards Omega."

I considered my alternatives, either I apologized or I would make a whole room filled with Oni angry. I bowed forwards toward Omega, "I am sorry for my lack of knowledge.", I said, "I have grown up with the people outside of your territory, they gave me the name Heiko."

Omega looked at me, "You will be taught the art of the Oni by our best.", he said, "We all expect great things from you. You will change the tides of the war between us and the dragons."

The Oni around the room howled in agreeance. My equipage lead me back outside under continued howling from the Oni. The Oni that was outside didn't howl, they bowed. "You have brought them hope.", said one of the Oni that lead me.

"Hope?", I asked.

The Oni turned toward me, "We have been stuck in an endless war with the dragons for eons." she said, "You are prophesied to change the tides of the war."

"What difference can I make? I am not even an adult." I said.

"No, you aren't." she said, "You are something better."

"What's that then?"

"You are the child of Oni and Dragon.", she said, "You are the best of both our worlds. You are the most powerful being in the world!", she put her hands on my shoulders and I realized that the Oni had claws instead of fingers, "All we have to do is to train you..."


Hi, I am sorry for the gap between this chapter and the last one, I had no motivation to write for the last week but I will try to release at least one chapter a week.

If there is anything special that you want to happen or that you wonder about ask in the comments and I might bring it into the story.

That is all from me this time, bye-bye!

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