Doubtful thoughts.

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The sound of screaming of terror, and agony, filled her ears, as she looks around, seeing the other party being pummelled down to the ground, blood was scattered onto the walls, the stench wasn't unbearable, in fact, it was nonexistent.

Tzuyu could see some heads getting thrown around like a beach ball, even the bodies getting squished like a chewed gum.

Most of the members were torturing the people who dare to even lay a finger on Y/N, heck they had a crazed smile seeing the other party getting tortured.

"Did you send her back?" The older one asks, making Tzuyu nod, although her face showed sadness, and also, disgust.

"Where's Sana?" Chaeyoung asks, not looking at the younger one, she was too focused on healing the other.

"Y/N teleported her away, she touched Sana first before me." Tzuyu informs, earning a silent scoff from Jeongyeon.

Tzuyu, confused, looked at Jeongyeon, her head tilted as she asked in curiosity;

"What happened to you?" 

Jeongyeon sighs as she shrugs.

"I.. well.."

Flash back

"Who's going first?" Dahyun asks, Mina had finished deactivating the barrier, and is waiting for them to come inside, Tzuyu and Sana is currently on their way to save Y/N.

They all looked at the leader, who was already worn out from the screaming she did earlier, and groans.

"Jeongyeon.." Jihyo mutters, making the latter pause, Jeongyeon looks at the leader, her face surprised.

"Ji, why me, literally out of all the people you could've chosen, why me." Jeongyeon ask, although it wasn't even a question.

"Just enter." Jihyo orders, and she doesn't seem to take silence, nor no as an answer.

Jeongyeon, being forced went inside only to regret it soon after.

End of flash back

"I was ambushed, I got thrown, and literally almost got killed, good thing I had some protection." Jeongyeon says, as she sighs, this answer made Tzuyu and Chaeyoung laugh.

"Must suck." Tzuyu comments as she snickers, Jeongyeon also earned some sheepish comments from Chaeyoung who is by now, finished healing the poor soul.

Before Jeongyeon could talk back, she noticed a shadow towering over her, making her look up, only to see a bloodied up Nayeon looking at her, with a death glare.

Panicked at the sudden appearance of a member, Jeongyeon asks;

"Why are you looking at me?!" 

Due to Jeongyeon's brain overreacting, she missed one single detail.

And that detail is the fact that every member who's currently well, finished their torture, is currently looking at Jeongyeon, their eyes bored and tired; tired at torturing the people who kidnapped Y/N, and also, tired at the sight of blood.

"Can we leave now?"

That was when Jeongyeon realizes why Nayeon was glaring at her, she looks around, only seeing Tzuyu and Chaeyoung, laughing their ass off, although it was silent, as to not get in trouble with their eonnies.

"Don't fucking scare me like that.."


The group came back, only this time, they were holding hands, and bloodied up would they even care?

They didn't give a slight glance at what they were covered in, they all let go of each ot

Walking silently, Jeongyeon was quite tired at the group's shenanigans today, although it isn't as crazy as before, it still tires her.

They all entered the school building, it was clearly midnight, the sky was dark, and the moon didn't shine brightly as before, plus, the school was lighten up with candles, and a chandelier that they just noticed, lighting up the area.

They looked around, it seems like the sea of students disappeared, which that didn't confuse any of the members, instead, they all looked at Tzuyu, with a 'you know what to do'

With a sigh, Tzuyu nods as she quickly contacted Sana, who was now, talking to Y/N, with a bright smile plastered across her face.


Sana and I had talked for awhile, telling some of our.. well secrets, well.. not really my secrets due to the fact that Sana is the one exposing herself without a care in the world.

Not a care that a demon might be listening.

Nor the fact that Ms. Yeri will come back and inform us that it was alright.

While chatting Sana quiets down, as her face was contorted with confusion, which made me silent.

'Someone is here?' I asked myself, although I knew that Sana doesn't have the power to read minds.

Instead, she smiles brightly yet again.

"The others are here, just letting you know that!" Sana says enthusiastically, making me nearly chuckle, in fact, I just imagined Sana being a squirrel, looking happy when it found acorns.

But that happiness was turned sour, when I remembered that dream...

Or nightmare.

Many thoughts reigned my head like an army fighting for war, it was mostly dark, and sad thoughts.

So I looked at Sana, who is still in fact chatting with me, and still having a wide smile plastered onto her face, and asked myself.

Will it happen to me too..?

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