Nicknames/what you call each other

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You call him:
- Chosen one
- Potter

He calls you:
- Mrs Potter - to make you blush
- Y/L/N

You call him:
- Weasley - it's what Draco calls him and you thought it would be funny
- Ginger

He calls you:
- Malfoy - to annoy you
- Slytherin princess - sometimes just princess when he's trying to be cute

You call her:
- Herm
- 'Mione

She calls you:
- miss Y/L/N - when you're doing homework
- Ravenclaw - when she's joking around

You call him:
- bae - something your muggle sister always says and he hates
- Slytherin prince

He calls you:
- Princess
- Y/L/N - out of habit

You call her:
- Looney - other people say that to be mean, but with you two it's an inside joke
- Love

She calls you:
- Bunny - a reference to your patronus
- Lucky charm - whenever you two are together she insists that you make nothing bad happen

He calls you:
- Babe
- Badger - like your house and patronus

You call him:
- Freddie
- Weasley

He calls you:
- Potter
- The other twin - you two always found it funny that you were both twins

You call him:
- The other twin
- Georgie

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2015 ⏰

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