What You Thought Of Each Other When You First Met

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Thomas: You guys were pretty good friends you thought. You would talk to him sometimes about some things and he would tell you any questions you would want to know, although you never really sat down and got to know him. That is until you actually did sit down and get to know him, you knew you would fall for him instantly.

Newt: You guys annoyed each other constantly when you first met. You were practically enemies when you first knew each other and would argue about anything. Whether it would be about his leadership skills and how he thinks he's in charge or his accent or be about your stubbornness or your annoyance, you would always argue. But you know what they say, if you pick on someone it usually means you like them. 😉

Minho: You two would be what they call, friend with benefits. You never actually went out on a date or even really dated, but you've always acted like it. You would occasionally kiss each other, even have full out make out sessions. He would sometimes even wrap an arm around your shoulders or waist. Though he never really "asked you out". That is until one day he did, and you couldn't be happier.

Gally: You were pretty much acquaintances. You never really talked or anything, though you knew each other existed. You two would look at each other, ask each other some questions, like where to find something you needed, but you never actually got to know him much. Even though you talked sometimes or looked at each other sometimes, you weren't even really friends. Until finally you figured out you were falling for trouble.

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