Chapter 1

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Year A.C. 41

Jaeherys surveyed the landscape as they stepped off the boat onto Dragonstone Island. They had narrowly escaped the Faith Militant's revolt in King's Landing, and were relieved to have found a safe haven. However, the island was not as Jaeherys had imagined it from the stories his father had told him as a child. It seemed that their uncle, Maegor, who had ruled Dragonstone in their absence, had made significant changes to the castle and its surroundings.

Jaeherys had never met their uncle, as the last time they had seen him was during a heated argument with his father nearly a decade ago, two years before Jaeherys was born. Despite this, Jaeherys knew from their mother's words that they would not be welcomed with open arms by their uncle, but would at least be granted guest rights while on the island.

Their Father Aenys informed his companions that Maegor, his brother, had not just one, but three Maesters serving at Dragonstone. This sparked confusion and tension between the brothers, as Aenys couldn't understand why Maegor would need such a large number of Maesters when there was already a shortage of them in Westeros. Maegor never provided a clear explanation for his actions, and the three Maesters eventually left without a word. Aenys also mentioned that one of the Maesters wore a Valyrian steel chain, while the other two wore chains made of silver and yellow/red gold and copper.

In addition to the Maesters, Maegor had also assembled a diverse group of healers, midwives, hedge wizards, and woods witches from all around Westeros.
Jaeherys had been intrigued when he learned about his uncle's desire for three maesters specifically trained in medicine. He began to consider the reasoning behind this choice, as he knew his uncle could have chosen maesters with expertise in other areas such as ravenry or warfare.

As he delved deeper into the matter, Jaeherys came to understand that his uncle had built a medical facility for the benefit of the common people in the area. He had even heard travelers speaking that it was like the House of the Red Hands, a well-known medical facility located in Braavos, as they passed through the Aegon's Ford . This further convinced Jaeherys of the importance of having skilled medical professionals on hand to help those in need.

Jaeherys and his family arrived at the Islands, and as soon as Jaeherys stepped off the boat, he could tell that things had changed since his last visit. The Islands were bustling with activity, and there were signs of new construction everywhere he looked.

"It's been rebuilt," Jaeherys's father commented, looking around in amazement. "The High Septon told us that Maegor had taken charge of the construction, but I had no idea it would be this extensive."

Jaeherys nodded, recalling the High Septon's words. "He said they used a Dragon to transport the materials, which made the construction go much faster than they had anticipated."

As they made their way towards the castle, Jaeherys's older brother, Aegon, scoffed at the sight of their uncle and his family waiting for them at the doors. "They haven't even come to collect us," Aegon grumbled. "It's like they've forgotten that while we may be family, we are still the Royal house."

Despite his brother's complaints, Jaeherys couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as they approached the castle. He couldn't wait to see all the changes that had been made and to spend some time with his extended family.

Jaeherys stood in the large room, taking in the sight of his uncle Maegor. The man was a towering figure, easily twice as wide and two heads taller than their father. His bulging muscles strained against his clothing, making it clear that he was a man of great physical strength. Next to him stood his wife, Ceryse Hightower, who was visibly pregnant once again. Jaeherys noticed their daughter, a girl younger than him with brightly dyed pink hair.

His mother, Queen Alyssa, commented on the unusual hair color, explaining that it was a new pigment coating from Essos that many other noble families forbade their daughters from using. Jaeherys' own sisters were also forbidden from using such a pigment.

"I am surprised that Maegor even allows her to use it," his mother, Queen Alyssa, commented. "Many other noble families forbid their daughters from using such a pigment or any in the first place."

Jaeherys nodded in agreement, having heard about from his own sisters . However, he was more interested in finding their cousin and his uncle's heir, Uthor Targaryen.

"We have to talk, Big Brother." No greeting or anything similar just a sentence as his Uncle made his way to the Solar and made his father following him and Aegon right behind them.

Lady Cerys smiled at us as they passed by. "While they talk, you can follow me to the garden," she said. "I'll have a servant bring us some tea, it's a drink my son brought back from Yi Ti. It's supposed to be much safer for pregnancy than drinking wine all the time."

Since becoming pregnant, Lady Cerys's marriage to her younger husband had undergone a radical transformation. It had even surprised my mother at how much their relationship had improved.

The garden was surrounded by tall walls made of glass, which let in plenty of light and allowed them to see everything clearly.

As they walked down the path, Jaeherys saw that the garden was filled with tables and chairs. Some of the tables were shaded by large umbrellas, while others were out in the open, basking in the warm sunshine.

He could see apple trees, cherry trees, and bushes full of berries and grapes. He saw that his sister Alysanne was tempted to pick some fruit for herself, but she didn't want to intrude them.

"Welcome to the garden," Lady Cerys Hightower greeted Jaeherys and his family as they arrived. "The Myrish glassblowers created this as a gift for me, as a thank you for my son Uthor's assistance in defending against a Dothraki invasion. It's a peaceful place where we can relax and the children can play and enjoy the fruits of the trees."

Jaeherys was curious to hear more about his cousin Uthor, so he asked Lady Cerys about him. "Is Uthor here now in Dragonstone?" he inquired.

"Yes, he's in the library studying with the Maesters," Lady Cerys replied.

Jaeherys thanked her and excused himself, eager to meet his cousin and learn more about the happenings on Dragonstone. He made his way to the library, looking forward to catching up with Uthor.

The Maester Chains:
-yellow gold, either this or red gold signify's the study of money and accounts, or sums and numbers
-red gold, either this or yellow gold signify's the study of money and accounts, or sums and numbers
-silver, signifying medicine, healing, and the functions of the body
-copper, signifying history
-Valyrian steel, signifying the higher mysteries

- With no Trial of the 7 for Maegor he won't have a brain damage

Maegor the Resenful or Petty (Good Maegor AU)Where stories live. Discover now