A Display of Power

Start from the beginning

Reaching into the void you retrieve a handkerchief wiping away at her tears as you continued to rub at her ears

(Y/n): we are to be presentable to our guest, thus we must have you at your best.

Lupusregina: t-thank you, my Lord.

(Y/n): cruel is the last thing I want to be to those I care about, for it is with them that I am able to lead without doubt.

She gives a short giggle at your rhymes sniffing blinking to clear away any remaining tears fixing her cap atop her head giving her ears one last rub

Looking over to Yuri she still holds her eyes closed except now she was smiling

Yuri: even a maid's...

She whispers the words as Lupusregina now fawns over the ear that you rubbed giving short giddy yips

(Y/n): yes...

She lowers her head slightly, as if trying to hide a blush that did not exist upon her delicate features...except a green shimmer


(Y/n): 'welcome, I am Lord Gier...greetings, allow me to intro...no...Gier, Praetorian of Nazarick stands before you...no that's worse.'

You monologued to yourself in preparation for your guest, there were many routes you could take this

You could speak in a joking manner in order to ease them, or speak in a regal tone to invoke a more superior attitude, or even let them introduce themselves and let them set the tone

Yuri: the scouts have arrived, Lord Gier.

A couple of horsemen were looking down partaking in their occupation scouting the area their gaze finally landing on you

(Y/n): hm...okay, remember we are representing Nazarick, as such we must treat them cordially if we are to ever expand our dominion.

Yuri/Lupusregina: yes, my Lord.

They bow, returning your gaze at the two scouts

(Y/n): ...that's childish.

You smirked with a chuckle as it looked like the two were playing a short game to decide who goes to speak with you as one of them slouches their shoulders before heading down hesitantly

Scout: ...I am Outrider Gaius, we come to inform his Majesty Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix shall arrive within the coming minutes...

He gulped even his horse kicked at the ground nervously awaiting your response

(Y/n): ...wonderful, then we shall prepare for his Majesty's arrival.

Your voice echoed the plains the scout nodding his head

Scout: I-I'll shall be relying this back, farewell.

He pulls on the reins of his horse signaling it to turn returning to his partner atop the hill

Lupusregina: he seemed spry.

(Y/n): perhaps being here personally was not the best idea...anyways let's go prepare a seating area for our guest.

They follow you into the log cabin ducking to enter the small shack the maids easily walking under the doorway


The guest of honor, his Majesty Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix, the Bloody Emperor of the Baharuth Empire prepared his appearance something normally done by maids now himself as his current predicament did not give him the luxury to wait for the carriage

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