hit me with your best shot - chapter 6

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I pulled up to an apartment building, the entrance propped open with a brick. I shook my head as I opened the door, making sure I didn't kick away the brick. I checked my phone again for the apartment number and made my way up the stairs.

I walked up to the apartment, muffled sounds from a movie coming through the door. I knocked, waiting for an answer. After a moment, the muffled sounds stopped and there was some clattering as someone came up to the door. 

"Oh, hey" Troy smiled as he opened the door, "Come in! I need to finish getting my shoes and stuff."

I followed him inside and tried to take in my surroundings. It was definitely a charming place. Not small, but not big. Troy had me sit with Abed in their small living room area. Abed didn't pay much attention to me being there, he was too focused on whatever show he was watching.

"Have you seen this before?" he asked, not turning away from the screen.

"No, what is it?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Inspector Spacetime. It's our favorite show," he explained.

"What's it about?" I asked, trying to make sense of it.

"I'll just tell her later. You ready to head out?" Troy asked, offering his hand out for me to take. I gladly accepted, silently thanking him from having to hear his friend explain the show.

"Yeah! Enjoy Space Inspector," I said, smiling at Abed. 

"It's Inspector Spacetime. Have fun," Abed mumbled, waving at us before we walked out.

Troy and I left the apartment, rushing down to my car. We both got in and I pulled out of the parking lot, the two of us sitting in awkward silence. The sound of the radio was the only thing in my car, and I had no idea what to say.

"So, uh, what all are we doing at the trampoline park?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Oh, I figured we could join one of the dodgeball games they have going. They're doing a tournament today," Troy suggested.

"Yeah, sounds fun! What are the rules for trampoline dodgeball?" I asked.

"Same as normal dodgeball. There's just a trampoline involved," he shrugged.

"Gotcha," I nodded. Silence fell over the car again. I looked over at Troy and he was blankly staring out of the window. "Is this awkward? This feels awkward," I laughed.

"Yeah, it's a little bit awkward. It'll get better when we're there," Troy reassured me.

"Okay, cool. Is now also a good time to mention that I'm terrified of trampolines?" I tried to laugh but ended up just coughing awkwardly.

"I mean when we were planning the date probably would've been better. But it's okay, I'll be there with you. I'll make sure the big bad trampoline doesn't get you," he teased.

"Gee, thanks!" I said, smiling as he pushed me slightly. We laughed for the rest of the drive, even when I struggled to park.

We showed up at the trampoline park and got checked in. We had to wear grippy socks and put our shoes away in a locker. It was hectic inside and full of kids, teenagers, and only a few adults. Troy got us signed up for a dodgeball team and we went and found our teammates. 

We were part of the Terrifying Turtles and were two of four adults on that team. Don't get me wrong, we were way better off than the Scary Squirrels who were made up of little kids and a few teenagers. This just wasn't what I pictured for my first date with Troy.

"Okay, when the game starts, you stay back and I'll run up to grab dodgeballs," Troy stated, holding his arm out in front of me.

"Absolutely," I laughed, throwing my hands up in surrender. 

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