"So you're addicted to cutting yourself?" Felix glared at hyunjin. "So you're addicted to smoking?" Hyunjin made a disgusted face. "That's better than cutting my skin up." Felix made a disgusted face right back at the older. "No, mines better because I'm not killing my lungs."

Hyunjin sighed and grabbed a pack of cigarettes. "Whatever I'm gonna go take a smoke, you should leave cause my mom's gonna be home soon." Felix chuckled and walked away. "Have fun."

Hyunjin scoffed and opened the balcony door, leaning on the edge as he lit his cigarette and took a hit. "Mr. Prince.." he said under his breath, his mind started drifting, thinking about what changbin said a couple days ago. 'I guess he's not as cocky or boring as i thought.'

He starting thinking about his features, plump lips, small waist, thick thighs. Hyunjin licked his lips and bit the bottom one, abruptly standing up straight and throwing his cigarette out the railing. "The fuck am I doing?"

"Exactly." Hyunjin turned around quickly to find his mom by the balcony door, her arms crossed in a motherly way. "I told you to stop hyunjin, I'm gonna have to give you one of those patches if you keep up." Hyunjin scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not getting a pussy patch mom."

She smiled and leaned down. "Then stop smoking or I'll get you a 'pussy patch'" she air quoted and stood up tall. "And please fix that hyunjin, seriously it's embarrassing." She walked away while shaking her head. He raised his brows. "Fix what-" he looked down and noticed he was hard, his mouth fell agape.

'How the fuck did I get hard.. was it- No it can't be..' hyunjin thought as he walked to his bathroom in his bedroom, closing the door and turning the fan on so his mom wouldn't hear anything.

'Let's see if it was really about him then.' He smirked as he unzipped his pants, reaching his hand inside and letting out a breath as he made contact with his dick. He starting thinking about the younger, sitting him on his lap and running his hands along his thighs, marking his neck all over. Hyunjin let out a soft grunt and fastened his hand, feeling close.

Hyunjin closed his eyes, thinking about the younger moaning out his name under him. Hyunjin sighed as he came in his hand. 'It was about him..'

"What the fuck.."

"How many times have I told you to be quiet when I have calls?!?" The king stormed into Minho's room, seeing minho and Chan sitting on the bed. "S-sorry dad.. we were watching funny videos."

Minho's dad growled and pulled the younger out of the bed, grabbing the collar of his shirt as he was against the wall. "That doesn't fucking cut it minho." minho started shaking as he sobbed. "D-dada..stop! P-please." The king punched his son in the face, Minho's body becoming limp and only being held up by his dad's hands. "Stop being a fucking baby, stay at Chan's tonight I don't want to see you."

He let go of Minho's body, which dropped his body weight and fell to the ground. The king rolled his eyes and walked out of Minho's room. "Why can't I have a normal fucking son??" He yelled out in anger.

Minho pulled his knees to his chest and sobbed, chan got out of the bed and sat next to the younger, pulling him in his lap. "It's okay Minnie, you're okay I'm here." Minho's hands fisted the back of Chan's shirt. "I-I don't wanna be h-here anymore!! I wanna die!"

Chan teared up and cupped Minho's face. "Minnie no, let's just go to my house and we can cuddle and kiss all night okay?" Minho sniffled and stood up, grabbing his phone as chan stood up as well. "Can we watch a movie?? With your friends.. and hyunjin hyung's friends?" The older smiled and kissed Minho's cheek. "Okay baby, I'll start texting people."

"We can kiss in front of them?" Chan clenched his teeth. "I don't know Minnie, they might not understand." Minho whined and bounced on Chan's lap angrily. "then explained it to them!" Chan held Minho's waist tightly and kissed the younger's neck to soothe him, which worked pretty well. "Okay I will please calm down baby."

"Party's arrived!!" Jisung sang as he and changbin walked into the living room, saying their hellos before strolling into the kitchen to get some snacks. "Hi hyungs!!" Minho stood up and walked over to the older boys, wrapping his arms around jisung's shoulders.

Jisung felt his body freeze in shock, reluctantly wrapping his arms around the younger's waist. "You- you finally hugged me back!" Minho pulled away and smiled widely, perking up as he heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it Channie!" He called out before running towards the door.

"Hi.." minho smiled shyly as he opened the door for the other boys, who walked in with a smile on their face.. except for one.

The boys settled down on the couch, chan and minho on the right side, seungmin and Changbin on the left side, hyunjin sitting next to Chan, jeongin sitting next to hyunjin, and felix and jisung sitting on the floor. "So what are we watching?" Changbin asked as he ran his hands along Seungmin's legs that were draped on his own.

Minho hummed and straddled Chan, wrapping his arms around the older's shoulders. "I don't know.. maybe something scary." Hyunjin side eyed the boys next to him, letting out an aggravated sigh. "Whatever just fucking play anything I don't have the time to be here all day."

Chan gently held onto the younger's thighs, smiling as Minho giggled in his neck. "Then fucking leave, you didn't have to come-" "No Channie I want him to be here.. I mean I want all of them to stay." Minho covered Chan's mouth with his hand and turned to look at hyunjin.

"Wait so are you guys together or not I'm confused." Felix asked as a random movie started playing, Minho shook his head with a sigh. "No~ Channie just likes to kiss me and cuddle with me!" The oldest gasped dramatically. "That is so not true baby! You always kiss me first."

Minho giggled and shook his head. "If you kiss then you're probably more than friends, that's basic logic." Hyunjin scoffed as he turned to look at them once again, Minho frowned and turned Chan's jaw as he pulled him in a small kiss. "See, we're still friends and we just kissed." Hyunjin rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom."

Chan's smiled dropped as hyunjin walked out of the living room. "You don't even know where it is-" "Guess I'll wander then."

"I'll be in the car guys, come out when you're ready hyun." Felix said as he and jeongin walked to Hyunjin's car, Seungmin waved their goodbyes and left with changbin and jisung. Chan went to the bathroom as hyunjin walked to the kitchen to get some water.

"Um.. hyung?" Hyunjin turned around and made eye contact with minho. "Yes mr. Prince?" He said with a dramatic bow. Minho fiddled with his fingers as he started to already feel uncomfortable. "Y-you don't have to call me that.."

"Dude do you need something or not, because now you're just wasting my time-" "what do you have against me??" Hyunjin's eyes slightly widened as he looked at a teary eyed minho. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Minho wiped his nose and shook his head. "N-no you know what I'm talking about! You're a-always so mean to me.. what d-did I do to make you h-hate me?!" Minho sobbed out, hyperventilating as he held his chest tightly.

Hyunjin stood there uncomfortably, taking a sip from his water. "It's nothing dude, don't take it seriously I always act like that in front of people I don't know." He got closer to the younger. "Oh, but there is one thing that you should know since I'm pretty sure you have no experience with this." Minho looked up at the older as tears still streamed down his face. "W-what is it?"

Hyunjin smirked and wiped a tear on Minho's cheek. "You do not kiss your best friend, you're going to give people the wrong idea.. especially if they're interested in you." Hyunjin pulled away and stood up. "I'm leaving, tell your 'best friend' that this sucked ass."

Minho watched hyunjin leave, holding his cheek with a hint of blush across his face. He was too happy to notice his best friend, standing by the kitchen with tears running down his face.

Aww Chan

Anywayssss hehe

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