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"Thanks for coming in!" A store clerk says after you walk out with groceries. While walking down the street you run into a bald man. "Oh, I'm sorry sir." Bending down to pick up some stuff that's fallen you look up and see it's the same man that saved you last year.

"Oh, h/n right?" He says catching you off guard. "Y-yes!" You didn't show your real face to public while you were working, because you still wanted a sense of freedom so you wore a mask to help disguise your face, but this man could still tell who you were.

At least it was better than getting asked if you related to blackluster.

"I'm a hero too you know! You might have heard of me." He said smiling pointing to himself.

You smiled. Besides the time he saved you, you haven't heard much about him. "No, I haven't... But I think I've seen you around sometimes!" It was funny to see his mood swing from bright to dark.

"It was nice meeting you." You were about to walk off before he stopped you. "My friend is making dinner you should come over and get some."

Not wanting to refuse your idol's request you agreed and followed him back to his house. "Genos I'm home." He said before lazily taking off his shoes.

It was a small apartment but comfy. You walked into the main area only to see the Demon Cyborg in an apron cooking.

"Master you're back, I'm almost done."

"Wth am I looking at? A top hero playing housewife? And who tf is he calling master?"

"Who are they?" The cyborg asked before grabbing a ladle to scoop out the soup they just made.
"You can't tell? This is h/n!" Saitama said making the cyborg surprised before scanning you again.

"You can just call me Y/n." You could tell the robot was skeptical of you being around his "master." And this is when you knew it was a mistake coming here, Saitama was nice though.

After eating and talking a little bit you left. You were a little exhausted. "Who would think that an S-class hero was learning under Saitama... Now that I think about isn't his name a bald cape or something like that... I'll have to look it up later."

You had one more stop to make at the bookstore. It was getting dark, so you decided to hurry. Looking around the store you found the book you were looking for and headed out. Tired, you went to a park and sat down on the closest bench you could find.

"Finally they released this book." It was the newest addition of heroes and monsters. It wasn't up to date as some people move up, drop down, or quit being a hero. Looking through the A-rank heroes you saw how old it was when it said you were the 10th-ranked hero. Still, you were happy with how well it highlighted you but confused with the weakness it out for you.

You were about to yell saying how spicy food wasn't your weakness but didn't want people to know that you were h/n. "Who even makes these books anyways?"

Still flipping through the book you felt a presence come behind you, "Whatcha reading there?" The voice said making you wonder if they were talking to you. "Are you talking to me?"
"Who else would I be talking to?"
"Don't tell me someone else is trying to hit on me."

"Listen I'm not interested-" before you could the stranger off you made eye contact with him. He was a white-haired and yellow-eyed man who was extremely muscular. His hair was parted in such a way that made you wonder if he was part black. But most importantly he was really good-looking like GYATT-.

"Take a picture if you're going to stare for that long." You snapped out of your thoughts, "I wasn't staring." You stuttered embarrassed that you were caught staring.

"No need to hide it. I would be looking too." His eyes scanned you up and down before sitting next to you. "So whatcha reading?"

You closed the book to show him the cover. His eyes looked like they lit up. "Wow is that the newest edition?!"
"Yeah but it's not too too up to date."
"Can I look at it?" He was like a kid in an amusement park and you couldn't help but think how cute he was.

You gave him the book to look at but you were careful to make sure he wouldn't steal it. It was about $12 too much and even though being an A-rank hero paid enough for you to have a nice life and still splurge; but you still remembered the days of your childhood when you couldn't get a happy meal from McDonald's because it was too expensive.

"You're right it isn't super new but it's good enough. It even has the weaknesses too." He said studying the book.
"Yeah some of them are wrong though." You commented.

"Yep, anyways why are you so interested? Are you a hero or something? You look too old to be reading this book like some child collector. What are you 23?" You asked, trying to start a little bit of conversation.

"You ask a lot of questions and I'm only 18."
"You're 18?! You're only one year younger than me.."
"Is it that surprising? And no I'm not a hero but you can say I'm interested in them."

"Like who?" You asked, to be honest, the vibe you got from that statement was a little stretchy and you had heard about the incident that happened at the hero association a few days ago.

"I like h/n... They seem nice and authentic." He turned a little pink while flipping to your page and smiling showing it to you. "They could have chosen a better photo for them though..." "They're my favorite hero too!" You said playing along but it was true there was no one better than yourself.

He nodded, "King's also pretty strong so I respect him a lot. Yeah, but besides them, I don't like heroes. I don't even like h/n or King that much either."

"Why not?" You were about to hit him. He flipped to the other half of the book where the monsters were. "Monsters are cooler in my opinion but I don't see myself there..."

You could feel yourself cringe. "It's always the cute ones who are weirdos."

"Well it's been nice talking to you but I have to go now." You stood up and asked for the book back.

As you were about to walk off, you were stopped by a hand. You turned back to see the white-haired man stop you with his phone out.

"Can I get your number?" He asked. You could feel your face turn red and thank God (or whatever you believe in) that you were born black so no one could see it.

"Sure. Can I have yours too then?" His face became a little red as he agreed.

As you exchanged numbers you said, "I'm y/n, what's your name?"


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