the first time i went he gave me a look and i had to hold up alexia's water bottle to which he gave a nod of approval.

this feels like this is yard time in a prison.

i walk back in to remember how chilly it is due to the ac being on almost all the time to keep us cool. i lean against the machine as i hear steps approach from the hallway i walked to get in here.

it's pedri with his own water bottle.

"you look miserable." i'm so glad everybody recognizes it and still decides to bother me.

i stay silent and realize the awkward silence besides the loud machine. "you guys forgot they had an additional hour, didn't you?" his lips form into a line before smiling at my words, "i wouldn't be in here finding things to do till then if it weren't for that."

i shake my head and screw the cap back on and i would be making my exit until pedri grabs my arm.

"it's one game, y/n." doesn't he think i know that?

"it's one game that has the stupidest reason as to why i can't play! you know you or anyone just as eager to play wouldn't let that slide and-"

holy shit?!

that tug before i even got to finish was pedri getting me close enough so he can go in for a kiss.

but what surprises me the most is my lack of self control as i feel myself wrap my arms behind his neck, making him lean lower to my level.

it doesn't help that the more we continue to kiss this passionately in the middle of the hallway that i find he's actually a decent kisser. his hand placement on my waist just adds onto the fact that his could lead in the wrong direction.

i pull away for both our sakes and he immediately looks down to the floor. i can already see his dark pink lips from here.

"i think- i think it's best i go, yeah?"

what the fuck.


"what the fuck." oh shit that actually came out of my mouth.

that obviously caught y/n by surprise and she spins around smacking her hand over her lips almost immediately. "please don't tell a soul. not even i know what-"

"you just made out with pedri and you're telling me you have no idea what that was?!"

i march my way up to her because unlike pedri, i actually had to refill my water bottle and didn't expect anything from it. "not so loud!" what about her and jude? and he just said he wouldn't tell her? "what's your problem?" she looks at me shocked because that's probably the last thing she'd hear from me.

"what're you-"

"y/n, aren't you talking to jude? except you're currently ignoring him, so at this point you're just leading him on. not to mention you've been insufferable to everyone around you for being benched. that was your fault. plus, do you even like pedri?!"

i don't know where this is coming from but after seeing them, it's like they physically punched a nerve i didn't know i had. "where the hell are you going with this? you don't know anything about me so why do you think you have a place to speak on things involving me?"

i'll give her that, i shouldn't talk on her behalf but i've started. why should i stop?

"i don't have to knowing you're an awful person who's so blind that you can't own up to anything! that whole plane ride wasn't you worried about being left out, it was you not trusting your team enough because you think you're better than them!"

her brows furrow into an angry expression as she closes the gap we once had.

"i would never think that, but look who's talking. you act like you don't have the biggest ego out there. as if during your games you don't get so angry when things don't go your way. that's what makes the opposing team pick on you so easily! don't you think that makes you just as blind as me?!"

yeah, now my blood is boiling. "not to mention, the second you do get contact with the ball you ruin your every chance and trip, so unaware of the people around you and expect everyone to pity you!"

"oh fuck you because let me tell you something everyone is so afraid to tell you,"

by now, my finger is slightly hitting her chest as she slowly backs herself to the wall.

"you're not as good as you make yourself to believe. everyone around you knows it. you live out of pity. you really think your roommates want to put up with your bullshit? no! that home was assigned to all of you after you told jonatan you regretted coming here your first month. your team would've been better if someone else had taken your spot and you stayed in the states."

and just like that, it feels as if all the oxygen in my lungs were taken from me.

her eyes narrow at me, and by the looks of it, there's nothing more she could say.

am i truly the bad guy in this if we both exchanged the worst things anyone could possibly say? i don't know, but i feel like one when i see the gloss in her eye's, slowly forming into tears.

"you just made me wish i had stayed. i really do hope you know that i would've never dreamt of telling you the things i just did, knowing nothing about you... but here we are." that tear that was forming had now fallen.

the water bottle she filled up was left behind as she stormed off from behind me.

there's no way that just happened.

the perfect pair | PABLO GAVIWhere stories live. Discover now