try a little tenderness

45 1 0

*an old classic with a bit of Otis Reading!*


On Monday morning I wake up alone at around 3am. Confused, I notice the bathroom light on to find Joe on the floor, pale and shaking next to the toilet, he looks towards me with closing eyes and says 'sorry I didn't mean to wake you'. Almost in disbelief I spring out of sleepy state to scold him for thinking I would want him to let me sleep whilst he's like this, but as the vomiting begins again I push it aside to stroke his back and grab some water. We sit there under the bathroom lights curled up in the corner of the room. It kind of reminds me of when we first started liking each other and decided to spend a train journey with our legs intertwined on the floor rather than finding a seat. I start to reflect on these memories so Joe has something to distract himself with as he breathes deeply. I start giggling when remembering the early days of when things between us started (which were only a matter of months ago but when you spend every second with someone, that's a lifetime). I expect to only be talking to myself but when I look up I find him smiling weakly with his eyes closed and head tilted forward, he reaches out and squeezes my hand and we sit together for another hour or two until the vomiting stops and I start nodding off. I feel Joe carry me back into bed and - knowing he's doing better- let sleep take over again.


We missed out on a couple of days of rehearsals but seeing Joe doing so much better on Wednesday just feels so much more important, which caught me a bit off guard, the intensity of my feelings for him feel a lot more strong than I had realised. Luckily Will and Chris were in charge of the choreo this week so I was able to relax a little. I'm not particularly used to street dance so it felt like they were teaching both of us equally, which made Joe and I feel like school children when we get told off for giggling  and teasing each other in rehearsals.


Things have started getting a bit couple-y between Dianne and I recently, she looked so worried for me when I was ill and never left my side, running her fingers through my hair or stroking my face with a cold flannel. I even went to the dentist with her this week, she was proper freaked out by it, saying she was scared, so I went to hold her hand and reassure her, it was the least I could do after what she did for me earlier this week. Today she even mentioned getting me a Christmas present which really put my hopes up for things between us lasting.

After the long days of rehearsals we've also been preparing for the lindyhop-athon, but Dianne being a great teacher has recycled as much material from our previous dances as she could, giving us time to work on a few new lifts including one which makes us look like the acrobats from A Bug's Life. The week seems to go kind of smoothly and I enjoy making fun of Dianne whenever she drops the ball (haha).


On Saturday morning we head to the studio as normal, Dianne goes to physio whilst I film bits for vlogmas day 1 and grab her a Christmas coffee for when she's back. When she returns I jump up to give it to her but accidentally make scare her as my jacket blended in with the sofa, causing fits of giggles, partly fuelled by nerves, partly just because we're both a bit giddy. We collapse to the floor still laughing at each other for one thing or another starting to struggle for breath when Frosty (one of the floor managers) walks in cheerily and then a little awkwardly.

'Er- haha didn't mean to interrupt! You guys are needed  in wardrobe'

I chuckle and help Dianne up and we start heading down.


I try to retain my smile despite the sinking feeling in my stomach as I follow behind Joe, but when I pass Greg he gives me a serious and knowing look. He's normally so animated and lovely and I know he'd ever willingly do anything to get me into trouble but it wouldn't be the first time the producers have been using the crew to keep eyes on the dancers.


The dance goes pretty well despite a few curve balls (haha) from the set and props (plus this had to be the week my mic pack flew out of my costume, typical), and I was so impressed with how Joe performed, he's secretly becoming a proper little professional! We are rushed through hair and makeup for lindyhop and return to watch the other dances in awe of our cohort. We pick out our starting position and to be honest I was a little relieved to be at the back because we wouldn't be under the judges noses in case we made a mistake or missed a lift. But suddenly when the music started Joe and I were as in sync as we had been all week, making every lift perfectly, hitting every beat and performing our hearts out. We really felt like such a strong partnership, like we were so connected. But being at the back did have its benefits as everyone seemed to try to edge towards the judges leaving us heaps of space to move and for Joe to chuck me about. We both knew we killed it (placed 3rd whey!) and we were all hugs and happiness for the rest of the evening, but I couldn't stop my mind from picturing the conversation I'm going to have to have next week.

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